Day 6 [date night]

648 12 14

Prompt fill: date night
Romantic pairing
Niko x Aj x Chunkz

(One stormy night, in a living room somewhere in London...)

"Are you cheating? How do you have so many down already?" Aj asked incredulously, from where he was sitting on the floor. His boyfriend was opposite to him, both staring down at their 'guess who' boards, that were placed on the coffee table between them.

Chunkz laughed, "I promise I'm not cheating, I'm just literally inside your brain."

"I wouldn't let that slide if I were you, Aj." Niko chimed in as he walked back into the living room, holding all kinds of snacks.

Aj rolled his eyes to Chunkz, nodding his head in the direction of their boyfriend. "He's just jealous because you beat him in the first round."

"I'm not! And he only won out of sheer luck and because you kept distracting me by licking your lips next to us!" Niko shook his head. "No one needs to lick their lips that often."

"And that slowly." Chunkz added seriously. Aj only smiled, resting his elbows on the table and leaning forward. Letting his mouth fall open the slightest, he held eye contact with Chunkz while darting his tongue out to slowly -

"No, damn you, stop that!" Chunkz held both hands protectively up to cover his eyes. Niko had sat himself next to them on the floor gaze transfixed on Aj's mouth.

"Ha, weak!" Aj exclaimed triumphantly.

Chunkz laughed behind his hands, "Niko, is it safe for me to look again?"

His boyfriend was very focused on not letting Aj out of sight, as he had traded licking his lips for very slowly eating the mozzarella sticks Niko had brought.

"Sure is." He answered slightly out of breath, prompting Chunkz to let his hands fall down again.

"Ah, no, it wasn't! What the fuck babes!" He took one of the napkins and threw it at Niko.

Aj snorted, "very flatterd boys, truly."

"No, but for real, how do you even eat mozzarella sticks seductively. It's cheese." Niko frowned, picking one up.

Examining it closely, he brought it to his lips, opening his mouth carefully and - accidentally eating it in one bite.

Aj and Chunkz were cackling at Niko's  facial expression, which was somewhere between surprise, disappointment, and satisfaction of tasting the cheese.

Chunkz pulled him into a side hug, "I love you babe, but let Aj do those things. He's the slut of our group."

"I'm the what now?" Aj gasped.

Chunkz held his hands up placatingly. "I just mean every trio has a mother, a child and a slut. I'm mother, Niko's child, and we'll you're slut."

Now Niko was sitting up pointing at both of them, as Aj nodded, seeing Chunkz's point. "I'm not child! Why am I child!"

His boyfriends ignored him, and Aj put down another person on his board. "I get the theory, but I can't unhear you calling me a whore."

"Well," Chunkz replied calmly, putting another person down as well, "you did try to seduce me by eating a mozzarella stick."

"Ayo! Stop ignoring me, you schmucks!" Niko chimed in, but no one answered him.

Aj nodded at Chunkz, "Alright, I guess that's fairs." Chunkz grinned at him before turning his board around, showing his boyfriend the last person remaining. "You went for the child, and I win!"

"Damn it," Aj groaned, looking down on the picture of Niko. "I did go for the child." He crawled over to Chunkz and let himself fall into his lap, holding out a hand for Niko. 

Niko stared at his boyfriends for a few seconds speechless before tackling them both over to the floor.

"You keep violating me on board-game date-night! I won't stand for it!" He grabbed Aj's waist and began tickling him, switching over to Chunkz after a few seconds and then back to Aj.

"Why are you attacking me? Chunkz came up with the theory!" Aj screeched, trying to roll away, but only managing to wiggle in place.

"Use your power to distract him!" Chunkz called out through giggles, hopelessly trying to escape Niko's attack.

"What - What power? You're the strong one!" Aj exclaimed. Niko only laughed at their attempts to communicate, cackling evily.

"You're the slut! Distract him!" Chunkz yelled out.

"You're the mother! Why don't you use your motherly powers!" Aj shouted back.

"Drastic times call for drastic measures!"

Niko broke out laughing at that and Aj quickly sat up, grabbing his face and kissing him square on the mouth.

"A-ha!" Chunkz sat up as well, holding onto Niko's hands, "I knew this would work."

Aj pulled back, grinning smugly as Niko pouted. "That's not fair, I wasn't prepared to be attacked!"

His boyfriends laughed at that, Chunkz pushing his face into Niko's neck and Aj smoothing over his lips with his thumb.

"Neither were we, you schmuck."

Niko pulled his boyfriends down on the carpeted floor again, making himself comfortable. Chunkz threaded their legs together and pulled Aj between them.

Kissing first Aj and then Niko, he laughed quietly when Niko suggested: "we could make board-game date-night into cuddle-on-the-floor date-night and just stay here forever."

Aj turned his head slightly to frown up at Niko. "That's something the child of the group would suggest, after they lost during all the previous board-games."

Chunkz poked Aj in the side and threatened, "be nice, or you'll be excluded from the cuddles", before tightening his arms around both of his boyfriends incase they would get the outrageous idea to take that seriously.

Aj only rolled his eyes amused and poked Chunkz back in the chest, "Yes mother."

All three fell into a comfortable silence, as rain began beating on the windows and the wind outside picked up and became stronger again.

Slowly Aj's eyes started closing and he moved a tiny bit closer. Niko looked down at him, and then up again  meeting Chunkz eyes. Both boys grinned from cuteness overload, before Niko remembered a very important thing.

"Chunkz", he whispered, as not to rouse their boyfriend again.

"Yeah?" Chunkz whispered back.

Niko narrowed his eyes, "I'm still not child."

"No, you're right." Chunkz deadpanned. "You're baby."

~ the end

[1048 words]

[Don't ask. It just happened. Idk. I actually have no comments for this. First time poly tho. Yey? Can't even tell by what that was inspired by cause I forgot it in the middle of writing this, hence the shortness]

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