Day 19 [healing]

458 6 16

Prompt fill: healing
Romantic pairing
AJ x Beta Squad

It was such a dumb thing to happen as well. Seriously. Falling down a flight of stairs. Aj was actually so glad no one had seen him, it was low-key embarrassing.

The outcome of this whole fiasco was that he somehow managed to break his wrist. The upside was - actually screw that, there was no upside. Another downside, next to breaking his fucking wrist, was that his boyfriends hadn't been next to him when it happened and, since he was too shocked to shout, only really noticed when the ambulance he had called from the bottom of the stairs knocked on the door.

Then all hell had broken loose, and the weird protective instincts of his boyfriends had multiplied and got him in his current situation.

First, there was Kenny's mission to never let him walk again. The cast was on his wrist. While writing things down proved to be a bit difficult, his legs were working just fine.

Kenny didn't seem to have gotten that memo, though. It didn't matter how short the distance was, somehow Kenny was always there as soon as he stood up. Bridal-carry as well, as if it wasn't embarrassing enough how easy Kenny could throw his weight around.

His boyfriends ninja senses only doubled when it came to stairs. "I broke my wrist, not my legs," Aj pouted as he was swept off the floor and into Kenny's arms.

"I'm not waiting till you fall down the stairs again, just to really break those, too. You're much safer with me." Kenny dropped a kiss on Aj's head and cuddled him closer.

"I can still walk." Aj grumbled in Kenny's chest, scowling when it vibrated with his boyfriend's laughter. "You're healing."

As if that was a good explanation. But it didn't stop there, no sir.

Every time he sat somewhere for more than a few minutes, Sharky popped up and talked him into doing weird exercises for his muscles.

Mostly, that included wiggling his fingers around and moving his arm in different directions so nothing would stiffen up without causing more damage.

"Once you get the cast removed, we can do a bit more, and I'll be able to reach better." Sharky assured him from where he was carefully massaging his arm above the cast and the little part of his hand he could comfortably reach.

The massages weren't that bad, the problem was that Aj hated the cast because he'd get a stupid itch underneath, and Sharky wouldn't help him get rid of it.

He'd tried convincing him to take it off for the massages, really the only reason he allowed the everlasting touching, but Sharky wouldn't even entertain it and put himself on 'cast control'.

So here he was, stuck on a couch with the stupid cast, and the - admittedly not horrible - massage. "After dinner, we're gonna take a shower." Aj perked up at that, raising his brows. "We?"

Sharky nodded affirmative, "yep, I've already told Kenny, so that he can hold you up while I help you wash yourself and you don't get your cast wet." At Aj's look, he added, "don't look so excited, any and all funny business is put on pause until you're fully recovered."

Aj snorted at that. "Sooner or later you'll break, the cast only comes off in six to eight weeks." He poked Sharky with his free hand. "And I hurt my wrist, not my ass."

His boyfriend only shook his head fondly, "you're healing."

Where oh where had he heard that one before.

Niko said it quite often. Seemingly every possible moment. It started right after he had woken up, and Kenny had disposed him in the bathroom. In a flying change, Niko would come in and begin helping him out of his clothes.

That wasn't a very unusual thing, but normally Niko would be a bit more rough, instead of painfully careful and aware of every single twitch Aj made.

Since the fracture on his wrist Niko wouldn't let Aj do one fucking thing. He couldn't brush his teeth, do his hair, put his clothes off and on.

Even during streaming, Niko moved the mouse for him, put his headset on and adjusted the mics. It made his chat go crazy with the 'omghowcute' comments every time Niko would stroke the hair out of his eyes and murmur, "you're healing," after he complained quietly, and made Aj go that kind of crazy that had him contemplating jumping out of the window.

The only silver lining was Chunkz's cooking. While Chunkz could be found in the kitchen regularly, as he was the only one out of them who could make something decent, now he seemed to make cooking for Aj an olympic sport.

And it wasn't even only the cooking, which was appreciated, but food in general. It started with a bowl of cereal, continued with Aj unsuccessfully trying to cut his dinner after the hospital and Chunkz consequently taking over for him and ended with Aj not only being hand fed dinner, but every single meal he's had since then.

So yeah, the cooking really was a nice gesture, but the feeding may be a bit much. "One more bite?" Chunkz hovered the fork a few centimetres in front of Aj's mouth and grinned when he rolled his eyes fondly and accepted the food.

"I can feed myself, mother." Aj complained with his mouth full. "I love you, but you really don't have to do all that."

"Shush, my child," Chunkz joked, "you need this to heal."

His healing process was monitored as precise as a high security prison and wow, he hated the stupid cast. He really did but -

Kenny had signed his cast with a little doodle of all of them and put tiny crowns on all of their heads.

Sharky had sketched out a little shark next to his name and per request a pirate hat next to it.

Niko had written an entire love letter in a tiny font on it, before drawing a butt next to it, that Aj adored.

Chunkz had scrawled 'property of Amin' in big letters across the entire length of his arm.

And all of them kept pressing soft kisses to the cast whenever they passed him. He never went by longer than five minutes without a kiss to his forehead, and they tried to be so gentle during cuddling.

It really was a dumb thing to happen, and sometimes the attention made him incredibly stressed. But maybe, somewhere, the affection and care wasn't as bad as he made it sound. And maybe the kisses really did help to speed up his recovery.

~the end

[1112 words]

[Break is over I wanna die. Also unrelated - injuring yourself infront of other people is weirdly uncomfortably embarrassing.]

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