Day 26 [dancing]

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Prompt fill: dancing
Can be romantic or platonic pairing
AJ x Kenny

"This is actually the most boring thing I've ever been to," Kenny whispered into Aj's ear.

The shorter man nodded and suppressed a yawn. "I have no idea why Niko even dragged us here," he agreed, "I'm pretty sure he dipped like half an hour ago as well."

Kenny snorted lightly and nudged Aj softly on the shoulder. "If you mean by dipped 'sneaked into the toilets to snog Sharky's face off' then sure," he teased.

Aj laughed silently and let his gaze wander around the ballroom. Niko had dragged them all to this fancy gala and then pissed right off with Sharky after he had introduced them to a few people. Chunkz had found someone to talk to, apparently, but he and Kenny were just standing awkwardly at the sides of the soon to be opened dance floor.

They couldn't leave as well because Niko had their valet cards. Aj sighed quietly and subtly leaned into Kenny's chest. He was tired, and his tie was too tight around his neck, the shirt collar scratching around his throat.

He was about to recommend leaving in a cab despite their promise to stay at least till the second dance when the music set in.

Kenny gripped his shoulders and turned him around with unexpected force, which made him stumble a step closer towards him. He grinned from ear to ear, and it unvoluntary made Aj crack a small smile as well.

Kenny held out his hand and raised a mischievous brow, "will you do me the honour of giving me your first dance?" Aj grinned and placed his hand inside Kenny's, "are you sure this is the right way you ask someone to dance?"

Kenny shrugged his shoulders good-heartedly, "dunno. Seemed like the most gentlemanly way."

Aj smiled and let the other man pull him into the middle of the room. As the people around them began to move and spin to the music, Aj paused and looked up. "Ken," he hissed, slightly panicked, "I don't actually know how to dance."

Kenny smiled down at him softly and grabbed his hand, placing it on his shoulder, before gripping his waist softly and keeping their arms on the other side slightly extended.

"I'll guide us. Just step wherever my feet were before," he squeezed Aj's midriff shortly. "Trust me."

Aj nodded and followed Kenny's lead, carefully restepping into his invisible footprints. Once he got the hang of it, it was actually quite fun, he realised. Kenny had them dancing at a moderate speed level, and the step combination wasn't too complicated. 

"Don't look at the floor, look at me."

Aj's head snapped up from where he had intensely been staring at their moving feet and smiled apologetically. "Sorry," he whispered, grinning when Kenny smiled reassuringly.

They kept swaying with the music, moving over the dancefloor smoothly, trapped in their own little world.

"Do you trust me?" Kenny asked smugly, already knowing the answer to that question. Aj scoffed reprimandingly, "why would you even have to ask?"

Kenny tilted his head in acknowledgement, "then you won't mind this -" before spinning Aj around himself once, pulling him back and letting him collide with his chest gently.

"Ompf," Aj's squeak was muffled into Kenny's suit-clad torso, but the I'm-so-not-impressed-with-your-bullshit expression he had on his face when he straightened up was recieved loud and clear.

Kenny winced and nodded as if to agree with Aj's silent point, "not funny, yup, got it."

Aj shook his head fondly and poked the taller man lightly into his rips. "I'd rather you lift me up like the people in the movies."

Kenny sniggered, "yeah, that will go well, won't pull a muscle lifting you whatsoever." Aj gasped offended, "are you saying I'm fat? I don't even weigh that much!" Kenny raised his brow, pulling Aj a bit closer. "Why, are you admitting you're practically snack sized?"

"You can be tall and don't weigh much," Aj grumbled, "and I'm not snack sized either, not even in the literal sense, no cannibal would eat me for a snack-"

Kenny laughed out loud and dropped a kiss on Aj's head. "I love you, Aj."

Aj rolled his eyes fake annoyed, and poked Kenny in the ribs a second time. "Yeah, yeah I love you, too. Now lift me up!", he insisted, "a little bit at least."

Kenny sighed long-suffering, but placed both of his hands on Aj's hips, lifting his feet off the ground and spinning around himself twice.

Aj giggled borderline hysterical as he was sat down again. "That was actually fun!" He leaned his head into Kenny's chest and smiled. "I can't believe you managed to stay on track with the music still," Aj panted and looked up.

Kenny shook his head, "I keep telling you lot, I'm actually a decent dancer."

Aj grinned, "yeah after those moves I'm even inclined to believe that."

The taller man gasped fake outraged, "how dare you doubt my athleticism, good sir," and dipped Aj backwards on the next beat. This time, Aj's surprised squeak wasn't as silent as the first one, drawing a bit more attention towards them. A few people around them cooed quietly and Aj blushed bright red.

"I'm actually gonna kill you, idiot." He muttered embarrassed, trying to keep from smiling when Kenny laughed adorably at that.

"You could do that," he trailed off, waiting until he had Aj's full attention. "Or you could let me live for a few more hours and dip to get burgers and chips somewhere."

Aj tried to keep a serious face, but honestly that sounded so perfect and Kenny seemed to know it too, based on how he was looking like the cat that got the cream, the smug bastard. Going for long-suffering but ending up somewhere between wistful and breathlessly excited, Aj sighed and hid his smile in Kenny's shoulder again.

"I guess you're safe for one more night."

Kenny beamed and carefully guided Aj off the dancefloor. "Actually, wait," Aj interrupted making the other man stop and turn to look at him questionly. "The course of the entire rest of the night depends on this question, so think wisely," he declared.

Kenny raised his brow, ready to take on any hypothetical scenario Aj came up with in that head of his. Probably something ridiculous about the rest of the boys, a plan for their escape from this gala, a cover story for the next morning-

"Are you paying?"

~the end

[1082 words]

[Are they boyfriends? Poly? Who knows I couldn't decide so go with whatever feels right, I just realised I hadn't acc written anything alone standing for that pairing yet so there u go]

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