14: Reunited

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Faith got bored just being in her room with not so much to do so she decided it was a good idea to get some fresh air. When she walked outside, she saw Matthew sitting on the grass in the front yard and writing in a notebook. 

"What're taking notes for?" Matthew looked to his left to see his adopted sister sit next to him. He smiled and pushed his glassed farther up his nose because they slide down. "I'm just writing down my surroundings." He told her.

Faith tilting her head and was about ask more but she heard Jonah call from behind. They turned around to see Jonah holding a plate full of brownies. "Mom told me to bring our neighbors next door a plate of brownies and told me to bring you with me." Jonah told his twin.

The twins haven't lived with the Walking family for long but since they never had parents before and always wanted a family. They didn't see a problem with calling their adopted parents dad and mom because the couple does in fact treat them as their own. 

Faith stood up with a smile "Okay." She turned to Matthew who was back at writing in his book. Jonah walked ahead and she followed after her twin brother and waved bye to Matthew, and he waved back which made her smile widen.

They walked up to their neighbor's front door and Jonah knocked. In a few seconds someone opened up. Jonah and Faith were shocked at who it was, Veronica the girl who was in the same orphanage at them stared at them with the same shocked face.

"V-Veronica?" Faith spoke.

The red-haired girl slammed the door right in their face. The twins looked at each other and back at the door. They could hear shouting going on inside of the house and after a while the door opened up again this time it was a woman that opened that opened up.

She had a big friendly smile on her face. "Hi, you two must be Jonah and Faith the new addition to the Walking Family." 

They nodded and Jonah spoke. "Yes, mom wanted us to bring you this so that's what we came to do." He said holding up the plate of brownies. 

The woman put her hand over heart and grinned. "Aren't you a sweetheart and you already call Hilary and Thomas mom and dad?"

They twins grinned and Faith spoke this time. "Yes, we've always wanted a family and now we have that family. My brother and I have no problem calling them dad and mom and our siblings brothers and sister because to us that is what they are." 

"Well, if you didn't know my names is Sharon and my husband is Robert, and we are the Smith family. It's kind of funny because just like your family we also adopted three children. You want come in and meet them?" Sharon asked the two kids. "They are around your age I think."

Jonah smiled. "Sure, thank you for letting us in your beautiful home." He said looking around as he stepped inside the Smith's house.

"You are welcome, oh! and I'll take these delicious treats. Come and follow me to the kitchen, please~" She sung the last part.

They followed close behind her.

"Listen Veronica you can't just slam the door in people's face. It's very rude and disrespectful." Robert tried to reason with the young girl who was arguing with him.

"I don't care!" 

Ashley and Damon were sitting down uncomfortably watching the two go back and forth with each other.

"You listen here young lady my wife was the one that wanted you and since you're a child I'll try to be easy on you. But I am not going to tolerate this attitude you've been having since you have got here." Robert was not happy with his new adopted daughter, but he tried to stay calm. 

Veronica glared at Robert. "I didn't ask you to adopt me! It was your own choice to listen to your wife and adopt a broken little girl!"

Silence filled the kitchen not a word was spoken after that outburst. Ashley had a hand over her mouth staring at the red head girl. Damon was frozen in his spot not knowing what to do or say and not speaking is probably the best option right now.

Sharon entered the kitchen cheerfully humming not sensing the tension in the air. But Jonah and Faith did right away, you could slice it with a knife.

Sharon put the brownies on top of the counter and walked over to her husband kissing him on the cheek and patted Veronica's head. Ashley took her eyes away from the scene before her and moved them over to the twins.

"Faith? Jonah?" Ashley eyes widened.

Damon looked over at the twins too and he laughed. "Hey, it's been a while!"

Jonah and Faith smiled at their kind of old friends from the orphanage.

"Damon! Ashley." They both yelled.

The four friends ran to each other and hugged.

The two adults and Veronica watched as the four reunited.

When they pulled apart Robert spoke. "You know each other?"

"Uh yeah, we were all in the same orphanage." Damon said.

"Wow isn't this amazing! Old friends meeting again. It must be fate!" Sharon squealed and clapped her hands together.

Veronica rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She mumbled and left the kitchen.

Everyone watched as the girl left the kitchen with a frown.

Robert sighed and looked down rubbing his forehead filling a headache coming on.

Sharon rubbed her husband's shoulder's and whispered. "Give her time okay, she's needs time."

Jonah, Damon, and Ashley all started having a conversation with one another.

Faith on the other hand couldn't help but worry about the red head girl that used to make things hard for her and her brother, especially her.

"Maybe this is a new beginning for us."











Well, that was interesting. What are your thoughts?




New King James Version

Ephesians 6: 1-4 "Honor your father and mother," which is the first commandment with promise: "that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.

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