7:Becky's Husband

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By seven o'clock dinner was ready Tiffany went to get the twins and Matthew from upstairs. The twins made their way down to the dining room and sat down in a chair next to each other.

Tiffany walked in after words with Matthew following behind. Matthew sat across from Jonah at the end of the table he looked at them and gave a little nod. They did the same with a smile trying to get along with their new brother that they haven't talked to yet.

Becky served them some stew on their plate and they said thank you. The doorbell rang everyone stopped Becky put the spoon back in the bowl "That's probably Noah." Becky made her way to the front door.

Jonah and Faith looked at each other confused. Tiffany took notice "Noah is Becky's Husband."

They nodded

Becky walked back in hold someone's hand "Jonah, Faith this my husband Noah." Becky introduced. When Noah laid eyes on the two twelve year olds his eyes widened. 

"Noah? Noah you okay?" Becky shook his shoulder getting his attention back He looked around to see everyone giving him weird  and concerned looks. He pulled himself together "Sorry, I remembered something." He smiled


He shook his head "Don't worry about it."

He sat next to Matthew across from Faith as Becky put some stew on his plate. "Now that we're all here we can say grace." Hilary spoke.

"Oh! Can I say grace this time mother?" Tiffany asked cheerfully.

"Honey I think one of our new members of the should give grace. Uh, only if you two are okay with that."

They nodded. "I'll say grace today and Jonah can tomorrow." Faith said.

"That sound lovely."

Everyone bowed their heads as Faith started.

"Father God thank you for providing us this food and shelter we're living under. I pray we always seek you for guidance and I pray we seek you in every part of our life. Thank you Father for sending your Son to save us. I pray this food brings us nourishment In Jesus Name We Pray Amen."

"Amen." Everyone said and started eating and talking among themselves. Noah stared at Faith and Jonah, Faith was whispering something to Jonah and Jonah nodded.

Noah smiled "They've grown up so much since the last time I've seen them." 

Jonah looked up from his plate to see Noah staring at them. Noah smiled and waved. "So how was the ride here?" Noah asked them taking a sip of his water.

"It was nice." Faith talked for them both. "We never been outside the orphanage. It was definitely a new experience." She grinned looking to Jonah who nodded and back at Noah.

"That's good, Do you miss anything or anyone there?"

They thought about it and nod their head. "Yes, the other kids and even staff weren't the nicest to us but before we left Ashley and Damon came around and felt sorry for how they treated us." Jonah answered this time.

"Damon?" Noah questioned, He remembered Damon the six year old boy who sometimes followed around when Jonah and Faith weren't around.

"Ya, He's a year older than us and he used to bully and make fun of us along with the boys and girls. He mostly messed with me while the though ignoring Faith most of the time unless we were together." 

Noah frowned and everyone at the table over heard the conversation and gave the twins a look of sympathy.

"You had it rough for the last twelve years huh?" Becky asked.

Jonah shrugged, "We over heard the older kids talking about someone that used to stay there. Used to take care of us but they left to attend collage and was never heard from again."

"Um, do you remember them at all?" This time William spoke up.

"We were five when they left so yeah, Faith memory is more blurry then mine though."

Faith sat quietly letting Jonah talk. 

"Maybe you'll be reunited with them?" Noah sadly smiled.

"Maybe." Jonah shrugged then looked at his twin and nudged her. "We just have to keep Faith." He joked

Everyone including Faith laughed. Tiffany decided to say something "Wow, I was adopted at eight and don't remember much from my orphanage years."

"You were also adopted?" Faith softly asked.

"Ya, I, Matthew and Samuel were all adopted at some point by this family." Tiffany grinned.


"Oh, right how could we forget to tell you." Thomas Walking said with a chuckle. "Samuel is or in this case was our youngest child he's a year older then you and we'll be back tomorrow."

They nodded and finished their food not saying another word.


Faith is getting ready for bed Mrs. Walking told the twins that tomorrow that she will take them shopping for the basic necessities before Christmas. 

Becky, Noah and William went home after dinner and we'll be back on Christmas Day along with some other family members joining and friends.

Faith was about to get in bed until someone knocked on her bedroom door she went to open it to see it was Jonah. She moved out the way to let him in. He walked in and sat at the end of the bed.

She closed the door and went to sit next to him. "So what do you think about this family?" He asked.

Faith shrugged unsurely "Only time will tell but I feel like we got adopted by the right family." She softly smiled.

"Like we were meant to be here?"

"Kind of um does that Noah guy seem a little familiar to you?"

Jonah's memory flashed to when Noah walked first entered the dining room and when he caught him staring at them like he knew them? Jonah nod his head looking at his sister.

"Ya, he does."

Faith let out a exhausted breathe "Well, a lot happened today. We should go to sleep." She said looking at her brother before yawning.

"Yup, goodnight sis." Jonah said getting walking to the door. "Night." She softly said getting under the covers right as Jonah closed the door. 

Faith slowly closed her eyes and drift off to sleep.









Jesus Is Coming Back Soon!  Are You Ready For His Return?


Revelation 19:16 On his robe and on his thigh he has written: 

                                      KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

Revelation 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

He's Coming Soon!




Jesus Loves You 😁

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