11: First Day of School

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It's after New Years and it's the twins first day of school Faith is nervous but at the same time excited. Jonah is... well the same as always he doesn't get nervous like Faith he's more of a let's get this over with but in a nice caring way kind of guy.

A new chapter is about to start in the twins life. Thomas drops the Samuel and the twins off in front of the school. "Jonah, Faith I hope you have a good first day of school. Oh and Samuel behave." Thomas gave Samuel a pointed look.

"Don't I always?" Samuel laughed.

Thomas smirked "Ya, I'm joking watch out for your siblings." 

"Will do pops."

Thomas playfully rolled his eyes at his son and said bye then drove off to work. Samuel smiled at his brother and sister and told them to follow him. Faith looked around as her and Jonah followed Samuel to the office. There are kids talking to their friends or getting something from their lockers. It was obviously they were telling each other how their Christmas went and New Years.

"This the front office let's get your schedules." Samuel twisted the knob. "Morning Mrs. Frissell how was your Christmas?"  A woman who looks to be in her mid thirties looked up from her computer to see them walk in.

She smiled "It was well Samuel thanks for asking how was your?"

"It was great these two are my new siblings." He moved out of the way so she could focus on them more clearly.

"Ah, right I remembered you told me your parents were thinking about adopting again. Wow how many more are they going to adopt? Anyway aren't you two adorable are you twins?"

Jonah and Faith did a quick glance at Samuel who gave them a tight smile and back at the woman. They both put on a bright smile not wanting to seem rude "Yes, thank you." They said at the same time.

"Oh! And you talk at the same time." She laughed. "You're not the first set of twins I've met but it's not everyday you meet twins." She started to print out their schedules and handed it to them. 

"Thank you." They said and all three walked out of the office.

"She's." Faith started.


"No, that's rude to say Samuel."

Samuel hold up both hands in a surrendering motion "Sorry..." He stopped making them stop along with him. "I should get to class. Will you two be okay?" They nodded and watch him walk away with his cane in one of his hands.

"I wonder what happened to him for him to need a cane." Faith thought out loud.

Jonah shrugged "Let's not be late on our first day." 

She nodded and followed behind her brother who seems to know where he's going.


"Okay everyone quiet down we have two others joining us." Mrs. Henderson smiled kindly at the siblings. "Do you mind to introduce yourselves?"

"Hi I'm Faith Walking."

"And I'm Jonah Walking."

"Does anyone want ask them anything?" Mrs. Henderson asked the class. No one moved until someone put their hand up and the teacher called on them.

"Why did you transfer here in the middle of the year?"

The twins looked at each other not knowing what to say. Jonah decided to speak for them both "We were adopted and it was Christmas break."

Someone else raised their hand "You said your last name is Walking? So does that mean you were adopted into Samuel Walking's Family?"

Jonah spoke again "I don't mean to sound rude but is there no one else in this school with the last name Walking?" The class was silent everyone was just staring at Jonah like something was wrong with him even though he only asked a simple question and he was calm the whole time. And again that girl's question was also probably a simple question too but still Jonah was genuinely asking and was curious to know maybe he shouldn't of ask that at all?

"Yes... he is our big brother." Faith said with a kind smile.

"Okay, well Samuel's a sweet kid. You two can sit in the two empty desk in the back." Mrs. Henderson pointed at the two desk straight in the back of the class.

They walked to the back of the class eyes watching them as they made their way pass everyone. Jonah and Faith sat down and the teacher started talking about whatever they've been learning before the twins got there.

"So, I'm going to call on you one by one and you will tell me how your Christmas break went."

Mrs. Henderson let each student say what they did on Christmas and New Years until it got down to the twins. "Jonah and Faith how about you? How was your Christmas?" She gently asked them and everyone's attention was now on them.

"Um well we got to meet someone we haven't seen for a long time." 

"Oh that's nice so you pretty much had a reunion and got adopted by a good family during Christmas break."

They nodded and later the bell rang and everyone got up to go to their next class.


"How was your first day?" Samuel asked as they walked to their mother's parked car.

Jonah and Faith day was nicer then they thought it would be all their classmates were nice and although everyone was confused at why they were getting two new students in the middle of the school year after Christmas break and some looked annoyed that they had to catch them up on they been learning.

"It was better than expected." Jonah said.

Samuel got in the passenger seat and the twins got in the back seat. "Hi kids how was your day?" Hilary asked her kids mainly looking at the twins in the rearview mirror.

"Good." All three of them said.

"Okay, home we go." Hilary laughed.

And home they went, Jonah and Faith knows that they will go through more trials and tribulations in this new chapter of their life, and will be tested but they are ready.

The twelve years olds are going to experience new things that they never experienced before better things and not so good things.

But they trust that God will help  and guide them through it.












I Hope You Enjoyed 😁





Isaiah 26:4 Trust in Lord forever, For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

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