5: Adopted

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It is quiet around the orphanage all the boys in the boys room are standing on one side of the room watching Jonah pack what little has. In the girls room all the girls are doing the same thing as Faith is packing some of her things.

When Mr. and Mrs. Walking told Miss Littleton who they wanted to adopt. Some of the kids were eavesdropping  and ran around telling everyone.

The others were sulking that the twins were the ones that were picked, out of all the ten to twelve year olds they were picked? Veronica is the most upset out of everyone that had the one on one with the husband and wife.

This could had been her chance for a real family but no something about the twins interest them. Veronica walked forward and shouted Faith's name in anger.

Faith looked behind her to Veronica making her way toward her Faith stood up and faced the angry girl. When Veronica got closer she crossed her arms staring Faith up and down.

"Why?" She questioned.

Faith expression turned from concerned to confused. "Why, what?"

"Why did they choose you?" She said with attitude. "And your brother?" 

Faith didn't know how to answer "Usually Jonah would be good at answering these kinds of questions."  She thought.

Faith prayed to God for answers on what to say in this situation. She smiled when God gave her the answer to give Veronica. 

"Veronica... I know you don't like me and my brother but we never did anything to you or to anybody, to deserve such ill treatment that you and everyone else here gives us." Veronica didn't say anything in fact no one in the room said anything it was silent. 

Faith took that as a sign to continue "I'm sorry  that you or any of you didn't get chosen by the Walking family. But before you get upset at Jonah and I for getting adopted maybe you should look at yourselves in the mirror. When someone else gets adopted you all cheer and congratulate them but when we get a chance to be adopted you're all annoyed and are keeping quiet?" Faith finished her speech.

Veronica squinted her eyes at the long hair curly girl. "We... don't... like... you." She gritted through her teeth.

Faith frowned and looked around at everyone in the room some giving her the same look and others showing pity. Shook her head in disappointment and turned around zipping up her bag.

She turned back to Veronica couldn't help but to feel sympathy for the red head. "You're only hurting yourself. I pray that you all find peace and get adopted into a good family." Faith left the room to check up on Jonah in the boys room.

When she left Veronica was seething one of the girls slowly walked up behind her. "V-Veronica?" The girl questioned with a shaky voice and   was  about to tap her on the shoulder.

The girl's hand flinched away when Veronica stumped out of the bedroom. The other girls looked around at each other with concerned looks. "Maybe Faith's right?" Ashley said.

Everyone looked at her with wide eyes, "Come on, you have to admit that we've been horrible to the twins for no good reason. Also they've been here longer then most of us in this room."

The girls realized that she was right and they couldn't deny  it. They had to face the truth they've made Faith's life here horrible. But Faith has never showed any hatred toward them she's always been sweet.

Half of them started to feel ashamed and guilt for their actions. Ashley eyes moved to the bed Faith slept on and walked toward it. When she got closer she saw their was a bible laying on top of the bed.

She picked it up and opened it and a smile rose on her face.


Mr. and Mrs. Walking were here to pick up Jonah and Faith. The two made their way downstairs. The couple grinned seeing their now son and daughter walk toward them.

"Ready?" Thomas asked his kids.

They smiled and nodded.

Miss Littleton wasn't their to say bye to the twins and that made them kind of sad but again, she wasn't the best when it came toward them.

Before they all could leave they stopped when they heard the twins name being called. Turning around they saw Ashley and Damon rushing toward them and Faith noticed Veronica leaning her back up against the wall watching them. When they made eye contact Veronica quickly looked away mumbling something under her breathe.

Faith turned her attention back to Ashley and Damon. Damon was out of breathe when he reached the two. Ashley was right behind him and gently patted his back which he thanked him for.

"You alright Damon?" Jonah chuckled at the boy who's trying to catch his breathe. 

"Ya, thanks for asking." Damon said after pulling himself together. "Okay, I rushed down here to catch you two before you left for good."

"Why?" Faith asked.

"Because..." He looked at his feet. "Because I wanted to say I'm sorry for how I treated you and I should had been a better example to the younger ones since I'm older than them, older than you. I should've been like a older brother to you."

Jonah smirked and shrugged, "Well siblings do tease each other and fight sometimes."

Faith, Thomas and Hilary laughed at that Faith because she's Jonah's sister and understands. Thomas and Hilary because they have five kids   at home and completely understands what Jonah means.

"Ha, guess you're right." He smiled "I'll miss you guys."

Ashley spoke up "Same here!"

The twins eyes widened "Really?" They questioned at the same time. The eleven and thirteen year old nodded their head. 

"Faith what you do did earlier was brave you've always been confident but I've never seen you that before." Ashley said as eyes lit up remembering Faith standing up to Veronica and the other girls.

Faith saw the bible in Ashley's hands and grinned.

"I asked God for the right thing to say." Faith grinned.

Thomas put his hand on the girl's head happy that she's his daughter. She looked up at him and saw the smile on his face.

Ashley smiled and nodded.

"Well, kids it's time for us go." Thomas said.

Veronica rolled her eyes and went somewhere else. The twins said bye to Damon and Ashley and left with the Walkings. Thomas put the twins bags in the back of their SUV and the twins got in the middle row seats.

Thomas got in the drivers side and started the vehicle. He looked into the rearview mirror saw the kids looking around the car amazed.

He chuckled and started driving them home.










Hope you enjoyed this chapter.




God bless you :)

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