Kei and the Grandparents [1/2]

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Hasegawa Kei had something on his mind. Yes, it was his boyfriend; but more specifically his boyfriend's family. 'Yeah, I'm thinking now and you never really talk about your family. All I know is that you have a shitty older brother, parents and grandparents.' Kei twirled a pen between his fingers, not wanting to do homework.

"Well what do you wanna know?" Kusuo asked, peering over the book in his hands.
'..No, it's fine. It's no fun if I have to ask.' Kei slumped over his textbook.
The two were over at Saiki's house attempting to do some homework together. I mean if you're gonna do homework over spring break you might as well do it with other people. However Kusuo was just sat on his bed reading a book, and Kei sat at his desk "doing homework."

A few knocks from the door broke some tension between the two as Kurumi entered the room. "Sorry boys, I know you're trying to study." She said in a way that was more to Kei than her son. "Anyway, Ku, clear your schedule for Saturday. Because you're going to visit your grandparents!" She giggled excitedly. "And if you behave, I'll let you bring a plus one." She winked at Kei before leaving, closing the door behind her.

Kusuo had a funny look on his face. One that was not very excited, mixed with one of distaste. 'What's wrong?' Kei now sat opposite his boyfriend.
"My grandparents don't know about... me. Any of me. And what makes it worse is my grandfather acts like he wants us gone and hates being around us when that's not true and.. ugh, it just, I don't know. And mom makes us take the long trip too get there too." He complained sighing.

'Oh. Well, what about your grandma? I take it she's nice since you smiled earlier.'
"She is." Ku smiled faintly.
'Right, then that settles that. You'll go and bear the long trip to see your grandma. And you can visit me whenever you want. How does that sound?'
"...Would you come with me?"
'I'll check with my parents but I should be allowed to.' He kissed Kusuo's cheek.

For the first time in a long time Kusuo Saiki was looking forward to seeing his grandparents. Like he said before, his grandma Kumi is a sweetheart. It's his grandfather Kumagoro that's the issue. He just acts all high and mighty and it tires the poor kid out. Kei did end up getting the green light from his dad, after convincing Akemi and her worrying over him. Toshi had to hold their mom back so Kei could take even a step out the door.


'I see what you mean about the long trip. I mean a
train for an hour and a half, then a two hour plane, and a another train for two hours and a forty five minute bus! I'm no math whizz, but that's five hours and fifteen minutes of travelling. Not to mention all the waiting and pit stops along the way.' Kei stretched all his muscles.

Kunihara was taking in the crispness of the country air and Kurumi was just happy to be there. She had previously discussed with everyone that Kei was just a friend and the powers stayed hidden. "Where did you go?" Kunihara questioned once Kusuo reappeared in front of him.
"It's colder than I thought. I went home to get gloves."
Kei held in a chuckle.
Kunihara brushed off the snarky comment and they slowly made their way down to the grandparents house.

'Wait, how do I communicate with your grandparents?! AAAHH I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THAT!! What if my phone dies! What if they don't know sign?!'
"Uhh, mom?" Kusuo soothes his lover, filling in his parents on Kei's worries.
"Hmm, I'm not too sure if they know sign language, but one way to find out? And if shit hits the fan then we can be your translators!" Kurumi had the spirit and that was all Kei could ask for.


"Oh goodness! Kusuo look at how you've grown! And who's your friend?" Grandma Kumi answered the door with warm smile. "Hello." Kei started, he figured it'd be easier to gauge Kumi's sign knowledge. He didn't get much of a reaction so be decided to stick with the phone and speaker. "Hello. My name is Hasegawa Kei. It's a pleasure to meet you." He bowed almost 90° when Kumi dismissed him. She called out for her husband and led the guests to where he was.

Their house was nice enough. It felt warm and had that old person smell though. Like your classic grandparents house. Kei fiddled anxiously, down the hall. Toshi had given him one of those anxiety rings that spins so it helped him calm down a little. Kunihara placed his hand on Kei's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, "You'll be alright. He can be a grump but he's nice enough."

And on que, Kumi opened the door rot the living room where grandpa Kumagoro sat reading the newspaper. "Honey, Kurumi and her family are here." Kumi gestured for them to all sit at the small table on the floor. Kumagoro glared daggers and Kei and Kunihara, scoffed and left, "Tell me when dinners ready. I'll be in other room."
"Oh my, I'm sorry about him dear. He's usually like that. Please don't pay him any mind." Kumi reassured Kei it wasn't his fault.

Kumi was curious about why Kei wasn't speaking but she knew it wasn't really her business to know. Kumi talked with her daughter and Kunihara while the kids had their own conversation.

"You doing okay?" Kusuo squeezed his lover's hand.
'I think so. Your grandfather really threw me off.' Kei tried not to draw attention to them.
"So my grandfather is a real pain. But this is because he hides his real feelings and acts cold towards us. When in reality he wants to be around us."
'So.. a tsundere?' They both cringed a little, it was true though.
"Like, right now he's on the other side of that wall wishing he could talk to us and tell me how much I've grown." Kusuo sighed. It was such a pain.
'Good grief. I feel bad for you.' Kei answered some questions Kumi asked, he had to pay attention as well.

"Ah, it almsot slipped my mind. How long are you planning to stay for? Or are you leaving tomorrow?" Kumi asked while she peeled one of the oranges she had in a bowl.
"We tried planning for a few days but it didn't really workout." Kurumi sighed.
Since it was spring break the two teenaged had all the time in the world, and Kumagoro loved that idea. However, Kunihara was the one who couldn't move his schedule around. Kumi was understanding, although upset she knew her daughter's life didn't revolve around her.

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