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A/N: reminder when someone talks with underline it's sign language !!

"How do you feel about getting a job?" Toshi asked. "...What?" Kei was shocked by the sudden question. "Well I'm just saying, if you want to spoil your boyfriend and just have some bank then—" "Whose got a boyfriend?" Akemi asked from the kitchen. "Kei does, doesn't he?" Hiro chimed in. "...He does?!"
"Uh, yeah? Kusuo?"
"Like Kurumi's kid?!"
"You didn't notice.. Hold on. Mom, are you saying that you have just like, not realised??" Kei interrupted his parents, "And dad, how did you know?"
"What can I say, I know my kids." Hiro shrugged.
Toshi started going pale, they didn't mean to out his little brother. Guilt made his hands shake.

Kei and Toshi were sitting on opposite sides of the L-shaped couch (but the sides that connect*) so he grabbed Toshi's hand reassuringly, "Mom, Dad, I'm gay. And I also happen to have a boyfriend called Saiki Kusuo." Despite his composed demeanour, Kei's voice carried so many nerves. "Thank you for telling us sweetie, but you don't have to be scared. I mean the first kid was a shock, but we still love you." Akemi hugged both her kids. "Does this mean we have to have 'the talk' again?" Hiro questioned with a little to much enjoyment. Kei gave him a look that said he already knew about gay sex.

Kei noticed his mom still had something else to say, so himself and Toshi keep quiet and let their mom speak. "I'm sure you already know that the world can be a cruel place, and not everyone is going to be as lucky as you to have excepting parents.." Her voice cracked and tears pricked her eyes, "But I hope you and Kusuo can feel comfortable here in our home." She tenderly held Kei's trembling hands. He tried so desperately hold in his tears, but a comforting pat on the back from his dad was enough to make the tears spill out. Akemi and Toshi decided that since it has been a few months since Kusuo and Kei had been together, they would tell Kusuo they knew about his relationship.

However that had led to Kunihara accidentally reading the message, as he was using his sons phone for something. Kunihara pulled his son aside and tried to talk with him, "Look Ku, I may not be the best person to say this but.." "I can read your mind, I know." Despite his arrogant attitude, Kusuo didn't look at his dad. "Well then, Mr. Know-it-all I suppose you know that I support you wholeheartedly and that my best friend in high school was also queer; so there would be no way that I'm faking sincerity right now." Kunihara smirked knowing that even his physic-mind-reading son of seventeen years wouldn't have predicted that.

"Could you give me a longer title?" Kusuo smiled at his dad. Kurumi watched from a safe distance, knowing that what her husband said was also how she felt. Kunihara explained the message he saw on his sons phone and they planned to go over soon. Kusuo sent a text saying they would be over soon. Both families scrambled to find nice looking clothes and had the best-worst meeting of their life.

The first thing was Kurumi noticed their new couch, which got her and Hiro talking, since he picked out the furniture. Kei made sure Ku was on his best behaviour, they ended up having a very flustered conversation in sign language. Toshi offered the snacks and drinks, feeling like this meeting was his and he had to take responsibility. Kunihara and Akemi made sure there were no awkward silences, which were still awkward because they were clearly uncomfortable.

"This is great! Kei I didn't know you had an older brother! That's just like my Ku!" Kurumi said after some discussion. Kei turned to Kusuo like his head was on fire, "You what?" "Yeah. He's an ass though." Kusuo replied nonchalantly. Kunihara suddenly opened up and shared all sorts of stories about his two boys as kids, barley leaving out he physic part. "Oh, too bad this one wasn't always a gifted kid." Akemi laughed, pointing to Kei across from her.
"Yeah, you would think that, wouldn't you?" Kunihara said sadly, "Sorry sorry. I just feel like we gave all the attention to Kusuo and left Kusuke alone."

"You think so? Didn't you ever think about why he left?" Kusuo remarked. Kei slapped his arm, a sign to say 'what the fuck,' or 'shut up.' He took a deep inhale, "...Kusuo, Ku, baby, darling. You need to realise when to keep your mouth shut. I am so sorry about him." Kei apologised to his boyfriends parents. Toshi was the first one to let their giggles slip, then Hiro, and soon everyone else followed. '..Did I do something wrong?' "No Kei. You are cutest person ever." The conversation flowed from there, Toshi pitching in some light hearted comments about their brother, Kusuo supported these comments.

The Saiki's ended up staying late into the night, so Akemi insisted they just stay since each adult had one to many glasses. "...Would I be an asshole if I told your family right now?" Kusuo squeezed Kei's hand a little to hard, but he didn't mind. 'If you want to you can, and since my parents are a little bit drunk I can convince them it was all a hallucination or something later.' He kissed Kusuos cheek, feeling the grip on his hand lighten.

"Mrs— No, Akemi, Hiro. It.. It's fine if we leave now I.." "...He called a friend to pick them up, ma. Let them go home." Kei came in clutch and covered up Kusuos awkwardness. The boys helped Kurumi and Kunihara "to the car" while Toshi got their parents sorted out. "..I'm sorry."
'Don't be sorry. You can tell them when you're fully ready.'
"But..." Kusuo looked to the ground, willing his tears not to fall.
'Baby,' Kei kissed Kusuo's forehead, 'I love you. You know that right?' Kusuo nodded. 'Good. Go home, get your parents in bed, take a shower, and sleep. You'll feel better tomorrow, and if not.. I'll do whatever you want me to do, to make you feel better.'
"...Thank you, really. I love you too." Kusuo planted a confident kiss on Kei's lips, then he got embrassed and went home. 'Cutie.'

*they were sitting like this
- Kei is blue and Toshi is red

___________________________________*they were sitting like this       - Kei is blue and Toshi is red

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