The Flight to Okinawa is Gay (/pos)

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After all the details for the trip were taken of, the class got dismissed and the students continued on with their classes for the day. At the end of the day when all the students got to go home, the front gate was crowded with people, a lot more than normal. "What's going on?" Kaido asked. "There's a hot guy at the entrance!" A group of girls squealed as they ran towards the crowd of people. Feeling a little curious, the group stole a glance at the guy who had almost the whole school swooning over him. "...Isn't that..?" Saiki looked at him in confusion. 'My brother, yeah.' Kei felt intensely embarrassed.

"Ah, Kei! There you are!" Toshi pushed through the hoard of students gathered around him, "I've been waiting for ages!" "What do you want?" "Woah, Hasegawa I didn't realise you had an older brother!" Kaido sounded a little unsure of himself, but Toshi greeted him with a smile. They was taken aback by the fact Kei had friends other than Saiki, and whom weren't just a figment of Kei's imagination. "You must be Kaido! And then this is.. Nendou?" "Yo, nice to meet the brother of my buddy!"

"..It's nice to meet you all!! But sorry to cut this meeting short, I need to speak with my brother and this one for just a moment." Toshi smiled at Kei's friends, while dragging him and Saiki to their car. "I'm surprised none of your buddies know about you guys. I mean, with the way you guys look at each other and all." Toshi chuckled, starting his car. "Fuck off." Kei felt a little anxious. Kusuo noticed and laced their fingers together, rubbing soothing circles over his knuckles.

"Can't you guys be more discreet? And why are you even in the middle seat? I thought you hated sitting in—" Kei kicked the back of Toshi's seat, his nerves were definitely on edge now. "Hey, where are you taking us?" Saiki finally asked. "Oh, I didn't tell you? Your mother actually wanted me to be your chauffeur." The couple felt a little frightened but knew Kurumi wouldn't do anything too bad to them.. at least they hoped.

"Why didn't you tell us about your school trip, Ku! What if you had another accident?! Or—or what if something worse happened?!" Kurumi dramatically cried into Kunihara's shoulder. Kei couldn't help but giggle, to which Kusuo flushed red. "Hello to you too. And relax, we literally only found out today, and stop making sound like I wet the bed!!" "And that's my cue to leave, laters!" Toshi ran away, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Kei tried to calm his boyfriend, but he couldn't stop giggling. "What's that look for?" Kusuo eyed he parent's suspiciously. "We just felt like you boys needed a little laugh." Kunihara shrugged, "Kei, will you stay for dinner as well?" He added. Kei accepted the offer, updating his family that he won't be home for dinner. After the delicious meal Kurumi cooked up, they all were peacefully having drinks and chatting about the school trip when a knock echoed from the door.

"Is it true you— who are you??" The person at the door was Makoto, Kokomi Teruhashi's brother. The guy who wants to marry his sister. "Wait, you were there with Mr. Pinky! You trying to hit on my Kokomi as well!!" Makoto pointed at Kei accusingly. "Nice to meet you, asshole." Kei signed with a smile. "..What was that?! Are you trying to put a curse on me?!" Makoto screeched, "Wait that doesn't matter! You guys are going on a three day trip with my Kokomi! And I bet you guys think you can.." Makoto started rambling on in depth about romantic things they would do to Teruhashi. 'You think he's describing his own fantasies?' Kei mentally rolled his eyes. "Definitely." Kusuo came up behind Kei and leaned on the doorframe.

"So what do you want me to do about this exactly? It's a school trip." Kusuo reiterated, tired of Makoto's bullshit. "And then you'll— What?! Were you even listening to me?!" Makoto screamed, "Cancel this trip immediately!! Or I'll go with you!" Kei's eyes flickered with mischievousness, and Kusuo finally kicked out Makoto, "I'm not cancelling the trip, just pray for a tornado or something."

"So, what was with that look before?" Kusuo asked, leaning on another doorframe. 'First, I know what you're trying to do, and it's working. And secondly this.' Kei pulled out Makoto's plane ticket from his pocket. "What— how did—" 'Magic my dear.' Kei kissed Kusuo's cheek before running after Mera on the street. After Kei got many thanks from Mera, he returned to Kusuo's house. They winked at us for the convenience of Mera being right there. "Sometimes I think you might be psychic too." Kusuo kissed Kei's cheek, and they went up to Kusuo's room.

The Next Day
Day of Flying to Okinawa

"I'm so excited!!" Yumehara cheered. "Me too! Hasegawa I can't thank you enough for giving me this ticket!!" Mera cried happily. The flight terminal was buzzing with excitement, until a voice boomed over the intercoms, the flight was delayed. There was a hurricane, and now everyone is sullen and hanging under rain clouds. Hairo tried to cheer up his class, but they didn't even respond to him. 'Well, you got your wish. Though I am a little disappointed.' Kei smiled sadly at there flight displaying the status: delayed. Kei turned to Saiki, but he was gone, then his eyes caught the big, bold, red word disappear from their flight status. And sure enough, Saiki was right beside him, this time soaking wet.

'Thank you. But are you alright being this wet?' Kei panicked, reaching for a towel he brought with him. "I might not want this trip to happen, but that was just tragic." Saiki smiled, drying himself off. Kei chuckled at himself, he keeps forgetting the whole psychic thing. Mr. Matsuzaki, with the help of Hairo, got the class in a single file line. "Did you realise we were going with the other classes?" Nendou asked. "Nah, I honestly though it was just gonna be us." Kaido shrugged. Getting everyone on the plane wasn't the hard part, especially since he got to sit next to his boyfriend, (and Nendou,) it was on the plane that was the hardest. Saiki's troubles only just started with the hurricane, Kaido forgot his special flying medication, so he went to get those, then Takahashi's stomach played up. The flight attendant suggested an emergency stop, but Saiki's just rewinded his body.

Kei suggested he take a nap, which Kusuo gladly did on his shoulder. But then the plane started acting up, "It's an earthquake!" Nendou shouted, scaring a few passengers. Saiki dealt with that too, he carried the plane the rest of the way to Okinawa. "Hey dude you spent most of the flight in the bathroom, you feeling alright?" Kaido asked. Saiki's was so drained he collapsed into Kaido's shoulder. Kei pulled Saiki away so he wasn't leaning on Kaido anymore. 'You're alright love. I've got you.' Kusuo received a quick peck on his cheek. Maybe this trip isn't going to be all bad.

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