By The Okinawa Beach

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Our boys were happily being homosexuals when Hasegawa's phone vibrated, he tried to ignore it but notifications from the class group chat were persistent. 'Hairo wants us back at the hotel for dinner in a few minutes.' Kei sighed, not wanting to leave their peaceful bubble. "Well, we still have a few minutes." Kusuo pushed up his glasses mischievously. However they couldn't get any further because their friends kept texting him, Kei's phone was going crazy, he's never felt so popular.
Message from Kaido's phone:
- Dude where are you???
- Hello??
- Where's Saiki as well??
- Have you seen him??
- Are you guys together???
- Hellloooooooo????
- No way, did the D@rk R€un¡•n get you 😰😱

Message from Hasegawa's phone:
- yeah sorry dude, i am with saiki
- we'll be otw rn*
- also, did not get taken by d@rk r€un¡•n!!!

Kei sighed as he shut his phone off, 'Well, let's go then, darling.' Saiki teleported them back to the hotel, but not without noticing his boyfriends weird behaviour, "You doing all right over there?" Kei nodded, giving two thumbs up. "Alright now that everyone is here—" Hairo glares at the two kids coming in late, "—I can announce that each class with have a limit of twenty minutes for the baths, after dinner. And then with that, we can start dinner! Take a seat anywhere in the dining hall, and feel free to order whenever your ready!! Enjoy your meals!!" Hairo finished his speech, dashing to the dining hall, Mera following right behind him. Most expenses, including food, have already been paid for (PK Academy had a "fee" the students needed to pay for, before they were able to come on this trip.) No one seemed to mind the bath limitation. Mostly everyone ate their fill, Mera ate so much she could burst, and that's a lot coming from her.

When it came time to bathe, Hasegawa tried to make up some excuse, but Nendou dragged him along. "Dude for real? You're not gonna take your glasses off?" Kaido asked Saiki, whom was sitting in the bath with his glasses all fogged up. "It's fine, if I took them off I wouldn't be able to see." Saiki replied, eyes fixated on his boyfriend. "Hmm.. makes sense I guess." Kaido replied, dropping the subject. Nendou overheard Takahashi and his mates talking, "Yeah, I came here a week earlier so I know all the good spots." He said smirking. "Good thing I came prepared." Takahashi said, pulling three periscopes out of thin air. Hasegawa felt chills run down his spine and he wanted something to keep his mind occupied, 'Right, Kusuo. First things fist, stop those creeps, and secondly, let's go build a sandcastle!!'

Kusuo was stunned by Kei's sudden interest in sandcastles, he decided he'd have a little chat with Kei's parents later. Kusuo stopped Takahashi and his mates from peeping on the girls bathing, after all no one wants to see what Nendou's packing. Kusuo chased Kei outside of the bath and into the changing room, "Why do you wanna build a sand castle?"
'You don't?'
"Fair enough, weirdo."
'Hey!!!' Their quiet laughter filled the room with warmth. Sneaking out of the hotel and to the beach isn't hard when your boyfriend is a psychic. They ran along the shore, admiring the stars before they got down to business. 'My sandcastle is gonna be better than yours!! And no abilities, just raw elbow grease!' Kei proclaimed before starting his mote. Kusuo stared lovingly at his boyfriend, admiring his weird little passion for sandcastles.

It might have been the way his blue eyes reflected the ocean waves, or how his freckles reminded him of the sand, or maybe it was the way his semi-wet black hair glistened in the moonlight, but the words escaped Kusuo's lips quicker than he could've reacted,
"I love you."
The smile faded from Kei's lips, and he froze, '..That's a little gay dude.' Kusuo laughed, cheeks burning red, tears softly falling onto the sand. Kei struggled to get up, cup his cheeks, and wipe away the tears. 'I'm sorry, I just didn't expect you to be the one to say the "L" word first. I love you too. I swear on Biscuits life I do.' The moonlight reflected in Kusuo's eyes and Kei swore he could see hearts staring back at him.

Kusuo exhaled all the nervousness he was feeling, "Well, that was weird. Good weird, but please don't scare me like that. I think I almost shit myself." 'Sorry, but you know I love you right?' Kei tried to hide his red cheeks, but now they were both cosplaying as tomato's. The sandcastle was long forgotten, "..You're not gonna stop that, are you?" Kusuo chuckled. 'Nope. Because my love for you is as infinite as the universe.' Kei dramatically did a cringe pose, causing a fit of giggles. 'Oh, and by the way, I won the sandcastle competition!' Kei said smugly. "You sure about that?" Kusuo smirked, pointing behind him. Kusuo, that son of a bitch, used his powers to make an ultra sandcastle.

Kei refused to let Saiki teleport him back to hotel since he cheated in the sandcastle competition. "Oh, c'mon, I thought you would like it." Kusuo convinced his boyfriend to forgive him. 'Ugh, fine. But I want something as compensation.' "Deal." They sealed it with a kiss. As the two rejoined their classmates, they all looked over the plans for tomorrow's activities. "A pineapple garden!?" Mera drooled, reading the pamphlet over Yumehara's shoulder. "Mera! I get that you're excited, but please don't drool on me!" She pleaded. "Oh, it looks like after that is the aquarium!" Teruhashi beamed, "And the fish aren't food Mera!" The girls shared a little laugh. "You know I can read your thoughts right?" Kusuo chuckled at his boyfriend. I'll leave what Kei's thoughts were up to you guys~

Yumehara went over the rest of the plans for tomorrow, Teruhashi was glad to see that Mera was so excited about food. She knew Mera didn't have the best life, but it's nice to see a girl (or anybody) who eats what they want without caring about the consequences. "Not to force you guys or anything, but does anyone want to play uno?" Kei didn't make eye contact with anyone as the text to speech on his phone spoke out. "I'll play! And I'll beat y'all's asses!" Hairo said, appearing out of nowhere. "Me too!" Kaido joined in. "Uh, if we can, us girls will play too." Teruhashi asked bashfully. "Hell yeah!! Looks like everyone's playing! You're all going down!" Nendou's eyes lit up with excitement.

*otw=on the way
rn=right now

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