Chapter Nine - End

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The school day ended a lot quicker than they expected. The list of non-completed homework however, was not as short as the school day seemed to be. "I didn't think they'd give us this much. We just moved here anyways."

Newt shrugs at his friends' statement. "Maybe they expect great things from us," The Brit tries to rationalize the homework load. "Wouldn't be the first time we failed at meeting great expectations." Minho grumbles.

"Yeah, the teachers here are kind of assholes." Scott scratches the back of his neck, looking at the trio. "I think they get off to torturing us, honestly." Stiles butts into the conversation. "Now." He claps his hands.

"I'm ready to go home and procrastinate doing schoolwork. You guys in?" His face stretches into a grin. "Yes." "No." Newt scowls at Minho and Thomas' enthusiastic responses to procrastinating.

Stiles chuckles and pulls out his keys, jangling them in front of the trio. "Tally-ho, Roscoe awaits." Stiles waves his hand and starts towards the jeep. The Gladers follow, ready to return to their new home.

Scott watches the boys leave, arms crossed as he stands with his Pack. "There's something off about them. Something they're not telling us." Newt whispers to his friends, watching Stiles walk in front of them.

"Definitely." Minho crosses his arms before they climb into Roscoe. "We'll figure it out." Thomas' face sets in determination. The car pulls away with the engine's loud purr.

Still on the school grounds, Scott turns to his Pack. "You guys heard that, right..?" Those with hearing matching his nod. "We can't let them find out about the supernatural. You all heard what Stiles said they went through, we can't let them find out and get put into danger again."

Alison threads her fingers into her boyfriend's and gives him a reassuring squeeze. "We won't. Lips are sealed." She smiles, giving his cheek a kiss. "As Stiles would say, commence Operation Regular Humans."

"Let's just hope luck's on our side for this." Scott winces. Lydia chuckles without humour. "Luck? On our side? When does that ever happen?" The Banshee raises her eyebrow. "Never." Malia adds helpfully.

"Thanks, Malia." Scott sighs. "What?" "He wants us to be optimistic." Kira mumbles and bumps her shoulder into her girlfriend. "Oh. I can't be realistic?" Malia's face scrunches in confusion.

"..Nevermind." Scott shakes his head slightly, getting a quiet laugh from the hunter at his side.


Thomas lays on his back on the comfortable bed, sinking into the mattress. "Whatcha doin', Tommy?" Newt looks up from his homework. "Trying to ignore the work." Minho chuckles at his response.

"Good that." The Asian boy says before returning to his own homework. "Klunk!" Minho grumbles as the pencil's lead snaps off. Thomas rolls over onto his side to look at his fellow Gladers.

"What, your strength going out of whack, Min?" Thomas grins teasingly. "Oh, you wish. I could still beat you in an arm wrestling competition, you shank." Newt sighs and rubs his eyes, fighting off the warm feeling of adoration.

"Slim it, you two." Newt says, glaring at the boys. Thomas stops, but smiles slightly as he notices the grin Newt is fighting off. "Fine." Newt goes back to his math work and points at where Thomas' is, a silent order being in place.

Thomas grumbles and slides off of the bed, but finishes up his homework with the others.

"Are we done now?" Minho raises an eyebrow, incredibly bored after thirty minutes. "Yep." Newt pops the 'p' in the word and stands up, tucking his work into his backpack.

"Boys, dinner!"

The three of them all perk up immediately. Thomas opens the bedroom door, bowing dramatically. "Ladies first." His grin is crooked. Minho thinks it's cute. He doesn't say that though, and puts his hands on his hips.

"Then why aren't you going through first?"

"You're jacked, Minho."

Newt walks through, ignoring the two of them. Minho and Thomas make eye contact before snickering, the same thought crossing their mind. Newt's a lady now. They make their way down the stairs, sitting down in the table's seats.

Stiles passes out the food, humming to himself. Huh. It's like we're an actual family now. He smiles slightly and plops down into his seat once he's finished distributing the food. It's like he's a mother. Stiles shudders at the terrifying thought. 

Me? A mother? That poor kid would be taken away by the CPS before it turned a year old. Those thoughts soon fade away as he begins to dig into his delicious; yet heart healthy, food. Stiles internally moans at the food melting on his tongue (but not literally). 

The brunette then proceeds to choke at his dad's miserable face while eating. Immediately, Minho is behind him and wraps his arms around him. Damn he's got strong muscles. That's kind of hot. Stiles cringes at his thoughts. That better not be the last thing he does in this world. How embarrassing. Funny, but embarrassing. 

And then his chest is forcefully shoved so hard that he thinks his ribs probably broke. It works however, and a chunk of halfway mashed up food comes flying out of his open mouth. That's disgusting. He gasps in air before giving Minho a wobbly thumbs up in what he hopes comes across as a thanks. That's what he meant it as at least. 

Thomas pats his back from his chair. "Are you okay?" Newt pipes in from his place at the table. Minho grimaces as he sees the wad of what was Stiles' dinner. "That's disgusting." Stiles slumps on the floor after giving another thumbs up. 

"I need a nap."

941 words.

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