Chapter Seven - Pack

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Stiles' PoV

We met for lunch in our usual spot, outside on our picnic table. I hummed to myself, scribbling down answers as I waited for everyone else. Scott was drumming his fingers lightly on the table, looking around. 

"Scott!" Scott's head whipped around immediately, a smile instantly replacing the bored puppy look he had had on his face beforehand. "Allison!" The black haired girl smiled, sitting down next to him with a peck on the cheek. 

I still don't get how they got so excited to see each other after just a class. They were JUST in class together. Only difference is that Melissa still packs him lunch. And yes, don't worry, I tease him about it constantly. 

Slowly but surely, the rest of the group came and sat down, starting chatting and eating. 

I looked up and spotted my brother and his friends and shouted to them. "Hey, guys! Come over here!" They turned to me, saw my waving hand, and walked over. Damn, they were kind of scary. 

They walked with purpose, like they had something to do. Doesn't help that my twin brother had muscles, his friend had muscles, and then his OTHER friend was flat-out RIPPED. Like I would be shocked if Minho hasn't shredded a shirt or two just from his bulging muscles. 

Hey, I'm not judging. Muscles are hot. Especially on a certain someone who would never look at me like that. A certain someone who may be a good bit older than me, which is why I haven't made a move. I'm not just going to be 17 and ask out some 22 year old! 

Maybe when I'm 18. We'll see. Not like he'd go for me anyways, but oh well. 


The trio finished walking over, and looked confused at everyone else (who were all staring at Thomas in shock). "Stiles, I knew you said you had a twin, but that didn't fully click until I saw a literal CLONE of you." Malia was the first one to speak. 

Thomas waved slightly. In a very awkward manner. Seeing awkwardness on someone who looks like me is so weird! I'm definitely not awkward. At all. Never. Never have been and never will be... 

Allison looked at them with a warm smile. "I don't believe we've met. What are your guys' names?" 

"I'm Thomas, this is Minho and Newt." He pointed at each of them respectively. "It's very nice to meet you three. Want to sit?" Kira patted the empty seats next to her. Malia shifted closer to her girlfriend in response to that. 

"Sure." Newt spoke, glaring at Minho who looked like he was going to complain. They sat, Thomas' leg starting to bounce almost immediately. "I see ADHD runs in the family." Lydia remarks, gesturing to my leg that was doing the same thing. 

I stopped and blushed at that. "Hey! ADHD is a completely normal and acceptable thing!" 

She rolled her eyes. "I never said it wasn't. And I'm aware it's normal!" She glared at me. I stuck my tongue out in response, going back to my food. "So, what are your guys' schedules?" Scott asks, and Newt slides over a paper. 

"That's... just Newt's..?" He asks. "Yeah. We all share a schedule. We said we won't be separated again, so that includes school." Thomas answers. "Ah. Alrighty." Scott nods, and I can see that he mentally files that they're all very loyal. 

He looks through the schedule. "We have two classes together, biology and geography, I think you share math with Lydia and Stiles though! And in biology, that's got Lydia and Theo too." Allison smiles and points to a class. "We have English together," 

"That's cool." We all finished 

We spent most of the rest of lunch trying to get to know them. That didn't work very well. All we knew now was that they were practically geniuses, in every AP class possible, loved to run, and hated being apart from each other. 

Seriously, they were sitting as close to each other on the bench as possible! It's not that small of a bench. They could've been sitting a lot further away, but were almost pressed up to each other. Oh, and one more thing we learned about them. 

Never ask them about the Trials.

A/N So sorry for the incredibly late update. I had this chapter already finished for Gods knows how long! I hope you all enjoy, I'll try my best to update again soon. 

My schedule's been crazy, with quiz bowl, choir, AND musical practice (where I'm an important part), I haven't had the most time to write. So much homework in sophomore year. 

I'm sorry again, and hopefully I'll see y'all soon <3

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