Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: Malewife and Housewife

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"So ahem..." Xie Lian awkwardly coughed "About Yan Zhen. Did your father...actually-"

"Yes" You groaned and swallowed the xiaolongbao, since it has cooled down "There was no blood on the sword, at first i was confused until dad told me the reason why he's doing this"

"When did he tell you the reason? Before or after he made you pour a drop of blood on the sword?"

"He did it after, A-Lian. Speaking of which, it's crazy how I've been living for over five hundred years as far as i can remember, yet i never had my first time" You poked your next xiaolongbao and toyed the plump soup dumpling with your chopstick

"People have been asking me why, it's because I'm waiting for someone, i cannot remember them but they're in my vague memories, funny how even with my weird amnesia i can never forget their figure and remained loyal to this mysterious someone" When you said that, the two men surrounding you exchanged looks, both came to an understanding.

Although Xie Lian at this time is unaware about Hua Cheng's involvement with his past 800 hundred years ago. They both feel that this "someone" isn't just "one"

The entire day, started quite nicely.

After the breakfast, you decided to do laundry on the creek behind Puqi Shrine.

"A-Lian give me your dirty robes, i'll wash them" and then you went out carrying two large baskets. At first Xie Lian and Hua Cheng wanted to help you, but you insisted you can do it yourself and left.

Hua Cheng went out for a bit and when he came back, a certain someone yelled from outside



Ohhhh so that's why E-ming just came in out of nowhere, it just succeeded it's attempted murder, not fully succeed but still.

"Manwhore isn't really a word to describe me, i'm not "him" If you have a brain that is, oh, you never had one to begin with" Hua Cheng snorted

"YOU'RE NOT THAT MANSLUT OF A GOD BUT YOU SURE CAN KISS A GOD- OWWW!" In a second, Qi Rong got slapped by Hua Cheng, making him tumble to the ground with Guzi crying over him.

Xie Lian hastily grabbed Qi Rong using Rouye, Guzi and Hua Cheng following along. Once they arrived, the couple tried forcing out his soul by drowning him

You were on the opposite side of the creek, quite far away. "Is that San Lang and A-Lian?" you squinted your eyes, but they were still blurry

"Fuck i forgot to wear my contact lenses...i left my glasses at Gusu too....ugh" You rubbed your eyes before squinting again, but to your poor unfortunate soul, they were still blurry

"Pfft whatever, they must be torturing Qi Rong again, gotta finish this..." You paused for a moment when you saw that the big stain on Xie Lian's white robe still haven't come off after washing it for almost an hour

"Dammit where's the Zonrox!?" While you searched for it in your qiankun pouch, the two had fun trying to drown Qi Rong who only replied with gurgle sounds everytime he opens his mouth

Once Qi Rong passed out, they left him there bound by Qi Rong before heading over to your direction. Watching you wash the robes with a focused face.

When the two arrived, San Lang sat on a big rock infront of you and Xie Lian sitting next to you "Do you need help with that?"

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