(Arc 2) Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: The Assassination of the Crown-Prince of Xianle

I'm tired of adding warnings, you already know what you're getting into once you saw the mature warning    


"The Crown Prince is still alive!?"

The King stood up from his throne out of shock, a Yingyue spy that was sent to Xianle reported infront of him about the Shangyuan Heavenly Ceremonial Procession.

Of how Xie Lian was at the peak of his beauty and heroic deed of saving a falling child. "I swear your majesties! We saw him!"

His fellow spy joined in to confirm "Yes we did! He was dressed in layers of robes, in white, red and golden colors. He was radiating magnificence and divinity! Truly our breaths were taken away!"

"Shhh! This isn't the right time to complement him!"
"But it's true! Their fight was so amazing i almost forgot it was scripted!"

The two spies argued with each other infront of the monarchs. "Enough. Both of you!" The duo immediately straightened up and shut their mouths at the king's words.

"I thought that we successfully killed the prince a year ago. I swear i saw that bratty prince drown in his own blood and struck by a saber of Xiao Huli" The king was suspicious, he swears he wasn't hallucinating.

"I saw it too" A soldier spoke "The way the prince was being slashed and stabbed a thousand times by Xiao Huli, he must've had something against the prince"

The palace eunuchs gossiped among themselves. It's been 2 years since the last time Xie Lian showed himself. If he were to go outside the king and queen of Xianle would not directly inform and show he was coming with them.

Infact, Xie Lian was introverted alot. Staying at Mount Taicang to train and cultivate, going out with his parents only when there's a meeting with another kingdom. Even on his 16th birthday he snuck out that even the guests didn't know he was there for a few minutes.

His 17th birthday, he made himself hide in the corners of the banquet, he didn't even interact with the guests out of worry for you. He was like a shadow. So how were the Yingyue spies able to know HE was still alive? it was impossible.

There was one Yingyue official that had sharp eyes, he noticed Xie Lian once when he was with Feng Xin and Mu Qing at the corner. He admit he almost spit his drink and choked on it when he saw Xie Lian was alive.

He admit he tried to rub his eyes a hundred times if he wasn't hallucinating. "I saw him your majesties, in the banquet of his 17th birthday, he was there, chatting with some servants of his."

A moment of silence fell on the court of Yingyue. Then it was all loud, flooding with voices of murmurs and whispers.

"Then who could it be that Xiao Huli killed in Yunhai?"

Yunhai was a forest known in ancient times for having a view of the clouds, thus its name means "sea of clouds" (Got inspired by zhangjiajie national forest park, and i know this kind of location exists in Liyue genshin players)

It's a location in the central plains, it's neutral, and it's not part of  the nations surrounding it. There's a legend that Yunhai a thousand years ago had a territorial dispute with old ancient kingdoms surrounding it, it led to a war and one of the Azure Dragons, put a curse on the land.

It was a harmless curse until you pull the trigger. A curse that if any future neighboring nations were to try pulling the same shit again their kingdoms will be obliterated, either by a falling meteor or just burned to ashes.

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