Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Kidnapping or Princenapping?

Entering the palace Jun Wu gifted to Xie Lian, it looks exactly like the palace of Xianle he grew up in. When you entered, your vision again went blurry indicating that this palace felt familar, but you were able to stop the effects which is passing out again by leaning on to his shoulder

Xie Lian held you against his shoulder, knowing that it triggered your memory. You see, back in the old days, you visit Xianle occasionally.

To you and your gege, it was for diplomatic reasons. To Jun Wu and Xie Lian's parents, it was to set up a meeting on arranged marriage.

Surprised? Jun Wu wanted to secretly blind date you, not like the dating apps or two blindfolded people meet up with their wingman guiding them, no not that. By blind dating it is to bring you both closer without knowing your parents want you two to get married.

We will discuss about that later, because the halls of Xianle's palace was connected to meeting with Xie Lian, that's why it triggered your memories.

Your daze ended when you heard two people arguing, it was Mu Qing and Feng Xin.

When they both noticed Xie Lian then you, they quickly straightened their posture and bow their heads

"My lady" They both said in unison.

"My lady?" you asked puzzled with the title "The Heavenly Emperor is called my lord, its only natural for you his successor to be addressed my lady other than your highness and your grace" Xian Lian said

Mu Qing and Feng Xin were close to Xie Lian back in the old days, they know you well. They usually scold Xie Lian for going out of the palace at nights to meet up with you without his parents permission. They see you discussing laws with the emperor and empress of Xianle.

Infact, they both know Xie Lian's romantic interest in you. They always say to Xie Lian: Running away with your lover, meeting up with your lover huh your highness?

But Xie Lian would deny this with his ears red and cheeks slightly pink, saying that you two are just "friends". He regret that, now it's you saying you two are just friends.

"Oh i see, hello Mu Qing and Feng Xin, its a pleasure to meet you" They're also aware of your memory loss thanks to them connecting the dots of your new behavior than 800 years ago.

"My lady, you might've forgotten us but we remember you" Feng Xin said "You used to frequently visit Xianle and the royal palace as well. You see, this one over here was a servant of his highness Xie Lian, he would sweep the floors while you and his highness have tea" He pointed his thumb to Mu Qing who just realized what's going on

So he played along "Ah yes yes, and this one over here used to be his highnesses  personal bodyguard, who ended up turning his back on him"

And that's how a whole argument started.

Xie Lian already got used to this, I mean it's been centuries for him already. You however went to them "Now now I get that you both are having a lover's quarrel-"

"It's not a lover's quarrel!" Mu Qing cut you off "What right do you have to raise your tone  towards her grace!?" Feng Xin scolded him "And what right do you have to look down on me!?" He fought back

With the punches and blows they gave each other you stood by and watched "Oh dear oh dear, i only have experienced in law not being a referee" you sighed and put your palm on you head in frustration

Xie Lian in afar did not whether to laugh or cry. He fiddled with the red and black dice that Hua Cheng gave him.

Suddenly, the door bursted wide open and dozens if not hundreds of silver butterflies came out. All of you were startled, Feng Xin managed to activate a shield to protect him and you (and Mu Qing but let's not talk about it unless Feng Xin will get mad)

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