(Arc 2) Chapter 9

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Keeping it short that if you ever skip chapters in this book it's getting urself spoiled

(B/N) means brother's name

Chapter 9: A Little Boy in Red

"Your highness...?"

Xie Lian snapped from his own daze with your soft honeyed voice "A-ah sorry! i was lost in my own thoughts!" You smiled at him "No worries, i am sure you have heard of me and i already heard about you. But, let's do the introductions..."

You pressed a hand on your chest "I am (Name) Wu, the youngest daughter and the heavenly-crown princess, pleased to meet you....and" You coughed "And i will be your future wife"

There were plenty of eyes around, all intensely looking at you both. So you leaned a bit closer and raised your feet to whisper to him "I know you do not want this, but it's for the sake of the two realms. Let's talk more about this when we're alone."

Xie Lian awkwardly smiled "Yes, of course your grace" He cleared his throat "It's truly an honor" he bowed his head down

His parents and your parents (Jun Wu and Mei Nianqing) were pleased to see you both converse and slowly get to know each other.

"Ah~ to let your disciple meet your daughter~" Mei Nianqing gave Jun Wu a grin "I must say i am looking forward to this, after all it was your proposal" Jun Wu sent him a glare and Mei Nianqing laughed it off

"Your majesties, please come sit, we have the best chefs in the country to cook these dishes" The Queen invited them to sat "My Lord and State Preceptor, please come taste this rice wine" The King poured on two wine exquisite wine cups

The banquet was lively, alot of officials wanted to take a closer look on the two gods who just descended but the eunuchs were entrusted to be bodyguards, reminding them to not take a closer look

Jun Wu and Mei Nianqing's relationship...was similar to a close friends with benefits.

Jun Wu was the biological father and Mei Nianqing, was the adoptive one. Nevertheless, these two had some romance but it's complicated.

"Xie Lian....is it alright to call you A-Lian?" you asked "Of course your grace" He was startled when you pressed a hand on his shoulder "You do not need to address me so formally, anything else will do..."

"Oh...well..i haven't thought of any alias yet, will your name do?" Truth be told Xie Lian was worried of how he will interact with you, he was used to greeting others but you were not just 'other' , you were a high ranking goddess and his fiancee.

You chuckled "Alright, we're both going to get married. It's a natural thing for couples to give each other nicknames" Before meeting Xie Lian, you read an entire scroll on the golden carriage on the way, it was about couples, marriages and romance.

Despite claiming the title of goddess of wisdom and death, you lacked knowledge on some aspects like how to court, how to please a man, etc. And guess what? You and him are utterly clueless about romance too...except

One exception: You had an ex girlfriend. You were only expert in wooing women, not the opposite gender. This is the main factor why you barely consider your concubines and consorts existence, which are all men.

"Oh right, let me introduce you to my Gege, he has been staying silent all this time" you looked over to Xie Lian's side and saw your brother casually drinking the expensive rice wine the king and queen had for the banquet

He had a bored look on his face but changed when he saw your narrowed eyes, silently telling him to come here.

He walked over to you both while swirling the remaining wine in his cup "This is (Brothers name) Wu, the oldest son, my older twin brother and...your brother-in-law"

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