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Letting out a groan from your mouth, you quaffed the water from the glass down your throat standing just beside the kitchen island

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Letting out a groan from your mouth, you quaffed the water from the glass down your throat standing just beside the kitchen island. Holding onto the glass of water stiffly as the sunlight penetrated through the glazed window of the kitchen, bracing your skin gingerly.

Opening your leisurely closed eyes, you looked down before stretching your hand to place the almost empty glass on the slab of the island. Your hand elongated your temples as you closed your eyes again before a hiss left your mouth, your nose scrunched at the ache of your head, "It feels like it could burst anytime soon." You whispered.

"Maybe this is all because of the champagne and the crying from yesterday's night." A thought gushed through your mind. "Luckily, today is Sunday and I have a holiday." Your eyes opened, traveling all over the lounge in the search of the almond eyed man with the black headed silky locks.

"Where is he?" Your eyebrows crumpled when a reminisce crossed your mind from last Sunday, "Oh! He must be in the gym." You muttered, taking a few steps to the threshold of the kitchen before you ceased them just as you could step out.

The sudden heat and warmth rushed to your neck as you could feel your cheeks getting heated up when you harked back to the past night incident. Gulping down the sensation as you could feel the temperature of your body rising up.

His sentence rolled down your mind, "I wouldn't resist myself from kissing you if you said sorry one more time." "He could make anyone blush with those flirty lines of his." Your thoughts unwittingly left your throat, loudy before you could even take control over them.

Pressing your lips together with the sudden realization. Licking onto your lower lip before clamping it within your teeth, "We would have kissed twice just within a night, if I would have said one more sorry to him. And I know how he is just the man of his words, he would have kissed me then and there."

You thought while sauntering towards the gym on the back side of the mansion. You didn't know why you were walking there but you just had to.

"He tucked me in the bed like a child." You thought when you leisurely took a turn to the left without taking a glance as you felt your head colliding with a rigid yet soft surface. Your head receded backward as you clenched your eyes shut as the sensation before a whimper left your mouth.

Over balancing on your feet as you stretched your hand out to hold onto something to balance yourself when you felt a warmth wrapping around your waist and back.

The sturdy grip on your physique, sending shivers down your spine as you heard a hoarse voice the next second, "Careful there."

You felt yourself pulling towards him as you opened your eyes promptly while one of your hands rested on the wall beside you and the other was resting over his chest, "Taehyung..." His name came out in a whisper from your mouth.

THE HATING GAME- Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now