03 | Right Hook to Edward Cullen's Face

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Bellamy was feeling nervous, more so than usual.

He had set up the camera last night and now all he had to do was watch it to find out one of two things. One being that Edward was a massive creep, or that his sister was down bad for the guy. He hates both options but he also knows he needs to watch the recording. He just doesn't know how he'll feel if what he thinks is happening, is actually happening.

Fuck it, he needs to know. Bellamy connected his camera to his laptop and clicked in to replay the recording from last night, his leg was shaking and his heart racing as he began the replay. He had school in two hours so he couldn't just go ahead and watch the entire recording, he had to skip now and again, only stopping when he noticed something move or to check if something was out of place. He was six hours into the recording when he finally saw something that made his blood go cold.

Standing there at the foot of his sister's bed, was Edward Cullen. 

Bellamy felt a rage like no other before, it felt like a tsunami of anger was washing over him and swallowing him whole until he could no longer feel anything but the anger and betrayal coursing through him. He felt sick to his very core watching Edward stand there without moving, just staring at his vulnerable sister.

He sped through the rest of the recording and watched as Edward didn't leave her room until the sun started to peek in. But what really screwed with his mind was how Edward didn't walk or climb out of her window, he just disappeared from the room entirely, like a wisp of wind.

Bellamy doesn't know how long he sat there staring at his laptop as countless thoughts raced through his mind. One thing for certain, Edward needed a good beating. With that thought circling his head, Bellamy got dressed for school. His body was on autopilot, he didn't speak to Bella or Charlie at breakfast, a fact they both noticed. And he didn't speak up when he got into the truck to drive him and Bella to school. He knew Bella could see his anger, he'd never been good at hiding things from her, but he just wasn't in the right mental state to talk to her about his discovery.

He felt hurt and betrayed, for both him and his sister. Bellamy had trusted Edward, he hadn't said a thing about the boy's possible mind-reading abilities, he'd trusted him without even knowing him. Bellamy felt like the world's biggest idiot right now, he felt naïve and that? That pissed him off even more, he hated being made a fool of. 

It wasn't until they got to school and like usual, parked in the back of the parking lot and away from everybody else that Bella spoke up. "What happened? You've got to talk to me Bells, I can see how angry you are, just tell me what happened and we can work together to fix it." Oh, he was going to fix it alright, she didn't need to worry about that.

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