Chapter 21: What We Are

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Sirius pulled me out of my dark thoughts by gently touching my fingers. The twins were already on the table, looking at me. Ursa and Sirius's mother, too, and apparently, they were conversing amusingly about something in their language, something else I wouldn't achieve.

"All good?" he whispered, worried.

I nodded. I had a knot in my stomach, but they would hate me more if I shot out of there, although I did want to disappear. I gathered my courage and went to the table. I loved Sirius, and he felt something for me. They would have to get over it.

I looked at the food, which seemed to be venison stew or something. It smelled delicious and tasted even better.

"Yum," I exclaimed to myself.

Of course, they heard me. I had forgotten their good hearing. The twins smiled; they were alike even in their acts.

"Do you like our food?" one of them asked. "You're awesome."

"Rigel thinks you are pretty," said the other.

"Shut up," Rigel said with a blush on his face. "You said that first."

At least they liked me.

"Deneb said that if you were an evolved girl, he would ask you to form a nucleus."

His brother kicked him under the table because I saw how he held the pain. Sirius gave a short, slight laugh. I looked askance at Enif and Ursa, both eating quietly in silence.

"I knew you'd like her," commented Sirius.

After finishing and rendering thanks, the twins stood up. Deneb grabbed a sofa cushion and struck his brother so hard that the stuffing shot across the room. I was amazed at how fast it had been. Rigel growled at his brother, and I was shocked again. I had already forgotten that they could do that. A pillow war broke out between the two, although it soon became a pillowcase war.

"Men," Ursa muttered.

I looked at Sirius's mother, worried that she was angry at the destruction of the pillows, but she kept her smile and looked at them fondly.

"Well," she said. "I go to sleep. If you are leaving tomorrow, please let me know, Sirius."

"Yes," he replied.

His mom nodded slightly, then turned to me and muttered, "Take care of him."

It baffled me. She stared at me for a couple of seconds with those feline eyes, insisting on something in silence like a cat, and somehow, I suspected that she wanted me to stop him. And if I was wrong, well, neither she nor Ursa seemed like they were going to stop him, so I was the only one left to try.

"Yes, I will," I assured.

She quickly stood up and withdrew.

"Hey, Sirius!" exclaimed one of the twins. Again, I didn't know who was who. "How about a challenge?"

My Sirius stood up, smiling and giving me a sweet look before going with them to the garden.

"That song they played in the plaza is his favorite," Ursa murmured. "We danced it once while the musicians rehearsed it. It was the first time he dared to do it." Low blow. I felt slightly jealous but detected some pain in her tone this time. "Sirius is so rare; he always showed interest in your species, and that always bothered me," the blonde said regretfully. "Poor his mother. In my opinion, she is very patient. Other parents are not like that."

"I have noticed it, and I understand it. You must be very frustrated. But he didn't want to leave me either... It was his decision, as you already said."

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