Chapter 6: The Attack

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People who were not prepared for such a situation panicked.

"We must escape!" Marcus shouted.

"We have to get everyone out first!"

As soon as I finished articulating the last word, I collided with someone, and I'd have fallen backward, but he surrounded me in his arms while stopping. I recognized his aroma instantly. Anthony.

"What are you doing here?! Get out of this place!"

"We told her that," Marcus complained. There was a loud rumble, and we ran again. "Quick, we must save the toxin!"

When crossing a corridor, we encountered Julio.

"I have a helicopter waiting. We must carry the toxin!" he shouted while we heard another rumble.

I didn't know if they had already entered and were behind us.

"Listen, gentlemen!" said a solid male voice from an outside speaker. "We know what you have and want it now, or we will kill you all. You decide."

"How polite," Marcus said sarcastically.

There were more rumblings, and we entered the laboratory. Julio ran to get the toxin out of the security box, and there was another rumble—no doubt they had already shattered the reinforced glass with something big because we heard their grunts, too. Anthony blocked the entrance with one of the heavy tables just before they crashed into the door.

The evolved men outside murmured something and suddenly began to crash against the door again. Anthony held the table so they couldn't get in, and Marcus ran to help him.

"I have it. Let's go!" Julio announced.

"We're stuck," Marcus exclaimed as he held the table.

"Over here," our superior guided us.

He removed a shelf and opened a small door that revealed a staircase.

"Wow, I should have guessed we had something like that."

We used it until we reached the second level and ran to the other stairs to get to the roof, listening to the damage caused by the EH on the lower level. Everyone in the hospital had managed to flee in the helicopters.

"Run, run! Oscar is going to leave the basement parking with a fake toxin. Hopefully, that will distract some of them!"

Another EH group burst through a hallway, and they came so fast that Anthony pulled me to dodge them and go somewhere else. My friends looked at us.

"Marien!" Marcus held rosy.

"Save the toxin!"

"We'll send you a helicopter from the capital!" my friend promised.

I ended up locked up in another small room with Anthony. I was panting and got next to him, scared. The whole building was dark, and I felt lost for a few seconds, succumbing to panic.

They would catch me...

"It's ok. They don't come after us. They wanted the toxin," he tried to calm me down.

Everything was silent except for my restless breathing. He didn't seem to be so exhausted. We couldn't stay there anyway. The EH had said that they would kill us if they didn't get the toxin.

"I know where the weapons are, just in case," I warned.

"Well, show me."

He made sure there was no one, and we left. There were hidden weapons on the first level. It would only be a matter of walking a few hallways downstairs. The window at the end of the hallway was broken. I was surprised to see how quickly the evolved men had reached this level. They climbed very well.

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