Chapter 7: Letting Her to get to Know Me

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Sirius' POV

My tutor grabbed me by the collar of my shirt as he growled. My feet didn't touch the ground. I was a ten-year-old boy, but at that age, I had to begin to be an independent man in the town.

"You have to improve your skills," he demanded. "So now you're going to get to the other side without falling!"

I had a severe burn on my side that hurt too much, and I felt the pain spreading to my entire body. I had tears in my eyes.

We were in some blacksmith's workshop in the town, and there were containers with liquid metal.

My master and tutor spun to gain momentum and launched me toward the thick chains hanging from the metallic beams. My instinct reappeared. I gritted my teeth immediately and focused on holding on to them with my arms and legs. If I didn't, I would fall and get burned again.

"Come on, Sirius!" Altair, my friend since I could remember, tried to encourage me. "You are strong! This is just a game, grab the chains and go! The wounds will heal. Nothing happens!"

Yes. We, Evolved people, could be 'savages,' as humans said, but since that was my reality, it was normal for me.

My tutor placed flat rocks on my back while I tried to lift my body off the ground with my arms. I had to be strong, obey the rules, and honor my parents. To live for my kind.

"I heard that you started jogging after six in the morning," my tutor reproached.

I accepted my punishments, even if they were horrible.

I grew up knowing only training, hunting, and more training. They made me strong. However, I was always told that humans were worse than us. Still, how could a species which had achieved so much in the world be cruel?

When humans captured me, I began to reaffirm the hatred that my species had for them, to verify that all was true and that they were right to detest them.

When I woke up, I feared they would do merciless experiments on me, the ones the old town leaders told us about. The worst thing was that I had a robe, no longer the clothes I arrived in.

The humans watched me with some fear like I was a beast. They had tied me up. They didn't know that, with my strength, I could free myself if things got bad. I heard them murmuring things. I looked at them with resentment. Had I left a supposedly rough world without freedom to enter another?

"The subject woke up at five in the afternoon due to the induction of the medication," They did not know that I could hear their whispers, "on day number three of the investigation."

Number Three?! Had they had me sedated?!

My breathing became slightly agitated, and I began to tighten my arms and, by that, the straps that held me.

"Dr. Marien is on her way," warned a young woman with curls.

"Thank you, Miss Rosy."

"We could try the Bone resistance test..."

"No. Breaking a bone is not legal in live ones. It would have to be a corpse to do that test."

"I already recollected his blood anyway to do the genetic test."

They were talking about me as if I were some strange specimen. I became more and more tense. I was afraid a growl would escape my throat. I didn't understand. I looked human! Wasn't that enough for them?

"Could you let me go?" I decided to appeal to their kindness as a species. "I'm not an EH."

"Where you come from?" The man had the fake human identification I got. "Do you study? Work? Home address?"

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