Bonus Chapter ❤️

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Life has been bliss all these years

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Life has been bliss all these years. My life is complete with my mate and children.

There couldn't be a greater joy than seeing my children grow with Lance at my side. The laughter that takes place day in and day out.

"Will you sit down?" I laugh lightly as Lance stood up to look around us once more.

"Just heard something." He mumbles and I stand up with him now.

The entire pack as been on alert with rogues testing the border.

"If there were anything the warriors would have linked you." I whisper since we are out in the opening.

"Unless something gets past them." Lance glances around in every direction.

We had took time from today just to spend time at our spot in the woods. The trees are in full bloom and the beauty of this section still holds just as it done when Lance brought me here all those years back.

Lance still is the love of my life and everyday there are small things I can tell have changed on the both of us. Some crows feet have formed at the side of Lance's eyes that show when he smiles or laughs just I have formed with our age. His muscles though are still as strong as ever and almost nightly he makes me feel just as loved and happy as he has when we first met.

A noise russles the bushes behind us and Lance spins with me in his arms a moment later. My eyes zero in as some leaves move and shake with a fierce force of sorts. My heart picks up speed as I wonder who it may be coming through the bush as Callie is in school today and anyone else would have linked Lance.

A furry face emerges and I can't stop as my laugh that bellows from deep within my gut. "Oh God Lance we are under attack from your bestest friends ever."

He looks at me with narrowed eyes and it urges me to laugh more.

"Come on." He rolls his eyes and pulls me down to the ground with him.

"Now you can just relax." I smile and bit any more laughter back. "Unless you think we are under attack by a family of raccoons?"

"Oh stuff it." Lance's lips tilt up at the corners lightly.

Never can I not tease him about the fur creatures with his history with them. I've seen the man while in wolf form dart around a family of raccoons because it is the one thing he may even slightly have a fear of.

I roll off from straddling his midsection to open the basket of food. Lance moves to me on his elbows while his feet cross over each other watching me. My cheeks heat as his stare over my body reacts to his intense look.

"Here eat this before I become the meal." I mumble and hand him a cold cut sandwich.

"You seem tastier." He whispers in my ear having sat up quickly to be by my ear.

"Later." I smile and he smirks.

"I'll hold you to that." I watch as he takes a bite out of the bread and then start eating mine.

The wind blows lightly making the taller grass around us sway in the breeze. Scents of the flowers mix in around us, while the sun shines through white clouds ever so often. Times like this I enjoy since they came so little but still nothing I would ever change.

"Have you ever thought of having more?"

I turn my head and look at Lance. "Huh?"

"In life. Do you regret being here at any time or wish you still had your prior job?"

My head shakes at his question. "No I don't. I love my life here with you and the pack."

He nods and smiles before leaning over to kiss me.

Pulling back I look in his eyes. "Where did that come from?"

He sighs. "Sometimes it hits how fast our lives changed once meeting you and you just gave it up seemingly easy."

"Because it is what I wanted to do. Besides, who would keep you guys in line I had to help out Sherry."

Lance laughs and nods.

"I'm so in love with you."

"Same with my love for you." He smiles and kisses me again.

Our kiss heats up and the dessert that was packed is long since forgotten since we crave each other more. Hands roam and make it under the shirts covering us. Before long, our bottoms are off and he is thrusting ever the slowest until we both fall over the cliff of blissful orgasm.

Laying in each others arms, we enjoy the peaceful day. Just as we get our jeans back on, another sound comes from the bushes and Lance stands while I just watch his face.

"Is it more raccoons?"

He huffs and shakes his head. "Give me a moment."

"Okay." I sigh and he walks towards the woodline.

I watch as the water in the creek slowly moves by, if it hadn't been cool still I would place my feet in it.


I jump to the side and hold my chest as my darling daughter laughs holding her stomach.

"There is your raccoon this time." Lance laughs behind Callie.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." I shake my head with a smile. "We been here longer than I thought." Lance nods with a smirk.

"School ended like half an hour ago and Seth told me you both came here so Uncle Levo dropped me off at the woodline while he checks patrol." Callie informs me.

"There is food in the basket." I point to it and she smiles wide helping herself to it, while Lance sits back down behind me.

We watch and listen as Callie tells us about her day at school until it is time to walk back home for the day. Seth joins us on the walk home as he hands me a couple flowers he had found in the forest before informing Lance on things happening with the pack while we were on a mini silence break.

Still I can't help but smile at how life is.

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