55. To Quiet

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This pack cook out has been exactly what we all were needing

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This pack cook out has been exactly what we all were needing. Just the carefree evening and day filled with food and laughter.

Never in my life did I expect for the males to get together and do all the paint with glitter. Sure I have seen pictures of them doing it to my Dad and heard the stories. It didn't get to happen with my first mate since things happened so earlier than supposed to and we never got to this stage that I have with Fayla.

The not knowing our gender is getting me. I hid it to where she doesn't constantly hear me talk about it but I want to know the gender of our pup. I want to know a name possibly and not wait for the birth like she wants. Fayla gives me those big doe eyes and she will get everything she wants. My mate sure knows how to work the mate bond between us to her advantage and I honestly have no problem with it.

We pussy whipped. Badly. Ixchel coughs and then sighs.

Yeah Bud, but for Fayla we would do anything. I laugh back to my wolf.

I can feel as he nods in agreement in the back of my mind. He has been content all day up until just a few mintutes ago he got up and has been sitting in the back of my mind, almost like he is watching and waiting. Thing is I figure he is getting ready for our nightly run since it is much later than we normally take one. Ixchel hadn't said anything else about how he is feeling and he wouldn't hide it if he knew what it was he felt.

Seth comes running up and looks around confused. "Have you seen Ma? I was helping to put some of the tables up that were clear."

"No I hadn't seen her in just a few minutes either. I know a couple of the ladies wouldn't let her help clean but I thought she was over by the table there." I look over to see the table already put up.

Sherry comes walking out of the packhouse a moment later but no Fayla with her. "Have you seen Fayla?" I ask when she comes towards the table where we are at.

"No? You could link the warriors I seen a couple following her earlier." Sherry tilts her head then her eyes glaze over.

"Hazel and Maclom were her guards when none of us were right with her." Levo speaks up having popped up behind us. Sherry must have linked him her question and he is in charge of patrols moreso meaning he would know the ones with her if I don't assign specific warriors.

I try to link both of them but there is a block there. Something unlike a warrior to have up escpecially when on guard.

"There is a block but not like one they put up."

"Do you think Ma was aware they were with her and just went home?" Seth looks to me and I notice he starts to fidget. He is most definitely a pup that protects his mom and will go beyond anything.

"She wouldn't have realized." I shake my head, knowing Fayla doesn't seem to notice at all unless they are right to where she can see them but most warriors like to stay hidden when on guard.

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