44. Papers

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Normally tea is a must but for once I am snatching the coffee from Lance this morning

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Normally tea is a must but for once I am snatching the coffee from Lance this morning. He gave me a wide smile and I actually liked how he has just a tad bit of sugar in the dark liquid to where it is not so bitter. My surprise is when he tried my tea and nods a little admitting it isn't so bad.

Lance and I have went through everything Sherry and I had came up with. He is all for it and agrees it is a good plan to try out at the very least. He sends the mass link out for me.

"Do I have to go Ma?" Seth asks bounding into the kitchen.

"Yes. I would like it if you were too. It will look good for the son of the Luna to even be involved, even if your not a teen yet but are on way to soon." I smile at my son.

Seth nods and then dashes out the door with a kiss to my cheek before. I know he is no doubt going to find Auntie since this is her morning to be at the pack too. If it wasn't for me needing to make sure Sherry has our table set up and be there in fifteen minutes to wait as the teens gather than I would be going to find Auntie too for one of her muffins she brings. Those blueberry muffins are the bomb, I'd honestly claw someone if they told me I couldn't have one of those babies.

I give Lance a kiss and leaves out of the house with him.

"Have someone link me if you need any help." Lance smiles before turning more to the pack house then where I am heading too.

"I will but there is no doubt in my mind that Sherry and I can handle this." I smile back.

In no time, I make my way to the table Sherry has sitting out and sorting papers over. I step up and help her finish sorting the pages out and place a pen over each stack along with a paper weight since we are outside and don't want papers flying with the breeze.

Before I know it, teens are walking up and filling up the field space. I knew the pack was large but actually being able to see the next generation brings a sense of pride they are the next leaders and members. It really fuels me to help even more in helping them be the best the pack as ever had before and thrive more than what I have seen and heard about.

I see when Seth and Lucy step up. Seth goes right into the crowd talking with people. My eyes trail over everyone of the teens still and I really can notice here and there a couple of groups but it isn't as many as I had thought.

"Good morning, Dear. I thought I would come and see if you need help. Lance had told me your plans that you girls done and I must say I am jealous I never thought of this because it is genius." Lucy smiled and hugged me tight.

"I just hope this will work to help everyone get along more. I had thought there were more clicks than this." I whisper.

"Oh there is but I think everyone is nervous." Lucy smiles and Sherry nods.

With a slight nod of my own. I take in a deep breath and slowly release it out.

"Good morning everyone." I speak louder and gain the attention of every teen on the field. They all response with a resounding, 'Good Morning, Luna.'

"So, I would like to take a quick minute of everyones time because there is something I would like to do within the pack. As everyone of you are the members that will make up the next generation for this pack and take over for your parents or even grandparents."

I pause for a moment to see if there will be any sort of reaction. Even if it is negative.

"I would like to place everyone in a job of sorts, where you can experience what it will be like to be an acutal member and contributing to the pack as an adult would. Which does mean the businesses you get placed with will pay you a total sum so long as you do the work asked. Now not to fear as none of the owners will ask for more than each one of you could give."

Most of the teens get to nodding and seem to be doing well with the information.

"Now for the ones that have been going to training that will still continue. There just may be adjustments to the times you may attend since there are seperate classes and levels a couple times a day."

That seems to relax the male teens and several of the females too. I do like seeing they really do seem to be future warrior material but we do need them to explore other things in the pack.

"This is a chance and oppurunity to see how each member of the pack functions. It will be a way to build respect for every member no matter the responsiblilty and differences between jobs held. Could even be a way to where in free time each member will reach out in respect to help their fellow pack members and even form friendships that are brooder with no snears or thinking this group is better than the next."

I keep my voice light and soft as I watch their heads turn to look at one another and slowly nod like they agree.

"Please know we will take in considerations too and especially once you have tried something it isn't a fit, we would never force you to stay. Instead, we will be happy to see and know that each one of you tried and done your best."

I move behind the table with Sherry and Lucy. "If you guys would make your way up here and grab a clipboard with a paper to fill out for us."

We hand out pens, papers, and clip boards as teens seem to sit down on the grass all around us filling it out. As they finish their papers and give them to us, I get to looking through the information every teen answered with a few basic questions on their likes and interest verus what they may not like at all.

Before we know it the last teen leaves the area and we have the stack of papers to go over and work between the three of us. We walk to the Alpha house and take a seat at the bar top placing the papers in sections. Auntie stops by and brings in lunch for us making the three of us very grateful. She helps out as we sort through where to place each teen specifically.

Auntie also told us how everyone she has spoke with is excited to be getting in the extra help and workers to even the loads better. So it helps in more ways than one for the better.

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Mysterious Beginnings (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя