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Beep beep beep...

What the hell is that annoying sound.

Beep beep beep...

Stop it.

Beep beep beep...

Maybe if I ignore it, it'll stop.

Beep beep beep beep beep beep...

Fine damn it I'll wake up.

I groggily open my eyes, propping up slightly to see what exactly is disturbing my sleep.

And I'm met face to face with a darn alarm clock.

I stop it, snuggle deeper into my soft comforters and slowly start slipping back into the peaceful nothingness of sleep when a knock suddenly jolts me back awake.

"Go away" I groan, I just wanna sleep, is that so much to ask for?.

"Miss, your mother requested I come check on you, she says to get ready for school" a soft voice comes from the other side of the door and I let out a deep sigh.

School... I totally forgot I go to school now, probably because I've missed the last two days but it's not my fault, I had a freaking panic attack.

If only I could control it.

"Alright right, I'll be down in a few" I mumble loud enough for her to hear me and I hear retreating footsteps.

To be honest, I'm not as excited to go like I was on the first day.

I groggily drag myself out of the comfort of my bed and slowly walk to the bathroom, I do my business, shower and brush my teeth. All those things are actually super hard to do with a cast around my arm, especially brushing my teeth but I get it done.

When do I get this thing off anyway?

I let my hair air out because, honestly, who has the time to blowdry their hair these days? Not me obviously.

I go to my walk-in closet and throw on the first things I can find which is an oversized jumper and some leggings, I pair them with a pair of white Nike sneakers and I'm good to go.

Before I go out, I tidy up my room the best I can even though I know someone's going to do it all over again for me before grabbing my bag and heading out.

I make my way over to the dining room and I find all of my family there, there's pancakes served right in front of them but no one is touching theirs, everyone's just chattering away which quickly dies down the moment I walk in.

Why are all of them awake this early, isn't it just supposed to be me Ezra, Ellis and Atlas? But I don't question them.

"Morning." I great and slowly walk over to the only empty seat left, right next to Solace and facing mom.

"Good morning honey." Mom beams at me and I smile at her.

"Did you sleep okay?" Dad suddenly asks and I'm shocked, since when did he make small talk with me?

Probably since he told you about the Mafia thing.


"Yeah, alright I guess" I mummer and then start munching off my pancakes, and my eyes roll to the back of my head at how good they are, I notice that everyone starts eating right after I do, but I don't say anything about it.

"Mom, you made this, didn't you?" I ask with a mouthful and I see Solace grimace.

"Swallow your food first, and yes I did." She scolds and I sigh, of course she goes all mother hen on me right when I'm about to complement her cooking.

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