Mute Jerk.

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After getting an earful of Mrs Herts, our rehab consultant about coming to classes early and all that bullshit, she let's us off twenty minutes after lunch. River goes straight to the cafeteria while I had already lost my appetite when we were in rehab.

It's just that the videos they show us, the goddamn therapy they do for us, it makes me feel like a psycho criminal that I'm not, I got into this place because of the disregard for me of my family, as far as I know, they probably celebrated the day I left, seeing as they were hell bent on not listening to a word I said.

It hurt seeing them turn around and let me get taken, only mom tried to help me, but the rest of my unfortunate family held her back, they didn't think of me as family, so I've gotten used to seeing them as strangers, I despise every last one of them, except of course mom.

"Shit" I scream when I get knocked to the floor, I land on the ground and I hear a sickening crack on my left elbow followed by an unbelievable excruciating pain. Tears immediately gather in my eyes and it takes everything in me not to let them fall, I refuse to let anyone in this hellhole see me cry.

I look up to find some random guy staring at me with horror in his eyes.

"Dude, are you blind or what?" I lash out at him annoyance clear in my voice. he immediately looks guilty and I kinda feel bad, I mean, it isn't totally his fault, I was so deep In thought that i didn't even realize he was coming.

"I'm really sorry, shit I hope you're not hurt" he apologies and I roll my eyes at him before I stand up. I feel the same stinging pain I felt earlier and look at my elbow and well, it's not particularly a pretty site, it isn't bloody or anything but it's twisted in a weird angle with a very large bruise.

"Shit, shit, I'm sooo sorry, God! What is wrong with me, we need to get you to the nurse. Fuck I'm so sorry I can't belie..." I cut him off by using my right had to clamp his mouth shut.

"Shut up you idiot, it's not a big deal" I say glaring lazer's at him, he's overreacting and I'm the one who's hurt. I finally take my hands off him when he nods.

"So are you going to the nurses office?" he asks gently as if I'm going to break his arm too.

"Absolutely not" I almost yell, if I go there, she's going to tell Mr Bennett and I'm going to have an earful of his lectures and fussing later, he's not even going to consider the fact that I didn't break my arm on purpose.

"But you're hurt"

"No I'm not" I shrug and try to move my hand a little bit only for it to let out another sickening crack, causing me to grab it with my good arm while screaming in pain.

I quickly clamp my mouth shut and he looks at me with judging eyes.

"I'm taking you to the nurses office" he says.

"No you're not"

"Yes I am, it's my fault" he pushes in an all too serious tone.

"No you're no..." I get cut off when he abruptly picks me up bridal style making sure not to touch my broken arm.

"What the heck do you think you're doing, put me down right now" I command but he just rolls his eyes and keeps walking.

"Put me down or I'll scream murder" I threaten and he rolls his eyes again but this time while chuckling. I look around to see the hall completely empty, where the heck is everyone anyway?

I would've fought my way off him but I'm not exactly in a good condition, one wrong move and I'll give my broken arm a reason to hurt even more than it hurts now.

"Please put me down" I finally put my ego down and say please and I never say please.

"No" he refuses and I let out a frustrated groan.

"You're a real pushover you know that" I sigh when he doesn't give a reply, he seemed really talkative at first, you'd think he'd even give me a nod.

I close my eyes and wait for the agonizing walk to the nurses.

It's a long walk, shouldn't he be tired.

I hear the sound of him knocking and then hear the nurse's come in before I feel him push the door open.

"What happened to her? Is she unconscious" I hear the nurses concerned voice.

I keep my eyes closed and feel him gently set me on an uncomfortable bed.

"Nah, she's just being stubborn, she didn't want to come here" oh, so now he can talk.

I feel shuffling in the room before I hear the nurses chuckle.

"Relic, what did you do now?" Well that is just wrong, what makes her think I did something, and how does she know my name? I've never been in here before.

Of course she knows your name, everyone does, remember, you're the facilities renowned trouble maker.

Thanks for clearing that up stupid subconscious.

"I didn't do anything" I defend with my eyes still closed, the pain in my hand is getting to me, and I'm scared that if I open my eyes, I might cry, I could even hear the strain in my voice.

"Could you just check her" I hear what's his name say.

We finally leave the nurses office with my arm clad in a bandage and a cast, she also gave me a sling around my neck so that I could carry the arm around in.

She did some pretty painful stuff there, what's his name had to hold me down and unfortunately I was also a crying mess, but it's all over now, even though my eyes are bloodshot and puffy from crying and my nose is red.

"You're an ass, you know that?" I mumble loudly under my breath.

"I know" is his short reply.

"Sooo... Relic, pretty weird name" he says after a few moments of silence.

"Oh, so you can speak now?" Is my smart reply, I mean, I thought he went mute back there. he let's out a low chuckle and I continue.

"Before you go mute again, can I get a name?" I'm getting tired of calling him what's his name in my head.

"Killian" he answers. I look around and see the people I was desperately looking for earlier staring at my cast, some of them even whispering to each other.

"Could you stop with all the staring, I have a broken arm, big whoop" I yell and everyone immediately goes back to the shit they were doing.

"You could've just ignored them" I stopped to see Killian staring at me in amazement.

"Well, that would've taken longer for them to stop staring" I reply.

We keep walking for a while and I start to wonder why he's still following me.

I open my mouth to ask him but get cutt off by the speaker in the hall.

"Relic Dinero and Killian Pierre, Mr Bennett wants you in his office".

Well that's just great

Hey guys, as you all have already noticed from the 1st chapter, I'm not really editing before updating and I'm please begging you guys to bear with me for a while. I promise I'll try to start editing future chapters before updating.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading my story, you have no idea how much it means to me that you decided to try it.


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