Stomach ache.

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We arrive home and I don't see dad or any of my other brothers, the cowards probably don't want to face me.

Anyway, Alexi and Solace dropped me off at the front door and zoomed off to go do God knows what, how rude of them I know.

But the moment I get inside mom bombards me with a hug careful not to affect my arm.

"Does it still hurt?" She asks as she scans my arm with darting eyes taking in every little detail of the cast. I open my mouth to reply her but she quietly covers it with her and makes a shushing sound.

"Don't speak, I know you're tired so let's get you to bed" she says and starts to push me upstairs.

"But mom..." I try to speak but she uses her other hand to clamp my mouth shut with the other one is still glued to my back ensuring my movement.

"I thought I told you not to speak, save your energy, I know you're hungry so I'll have someone bring up some food for you.

This is the reason why I took my cast off, my Mom makes a big deal out of every little thing that happens to me and always ends up fussing over me and I'm absolutely not allowed to move until I'm completely better.

Of course that rule hasn't exactly gone well for her, or anyone else for that matter.

"Mom, I'm okay, it's just a small fracture" okay, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the word fracture, big mistake on my part because my mom's jaw drops in shock as if I had just told her I somehow got pregnant with an alien.

"A fracture! My poor baby, you shouldn't even be standing at this point, wait I'll call a security to come take you up to your room" she exclaims in pure panic making my eyes widen.

"Absolutely not mom, I'm fine" I say completely frustrated at my mom's antics.

She scoffs and a single look from her has me knowing that there's no way in hell I'm winning this argument.


Mom managed to drag me up to my room after our little argument got out of hand she literally threw me over her shoulder and up the stairs.

Like what average forty year old woman would do that?.

Anyway, right now I'm in my bed tucked really tightly in my blanket while mom keeps shoving food into my overloaded system.

"Mom please, I'm full already" I groan when she ignores me and scoops out another huge chunk of the soup she brought and shoves it in my mouth.

Without any choice I swallow it and close my eyes clamping my mouth shut.

"Relic, open up" she coaxes me in a singsong voice as she lightly taps on my shut mouth and I ignore her again.

After her many failed attempts to get me to eat more she gives up and finally leaves my room giving me some space.

Sometimes I just can't with that woman.

I glance at the clock on my bedside table and it's only 8:15pm. It's not even as late as I thought it was.

I lay down on my bed for awhile but I get bored not long after that.

I get out of the blanket prison mom tucked tightly around me with much difficulty having to do it with one hand.

I carefully open my door a little bit and peek out into the hallway to make sure mom isn't spying on me or  sent someone to do it.

Confirming the coast is clear, I sprint out of my room and slowly tiptoe down the stairs to the kitchen.

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