Chapter 17

11 1 4

7 March 2025

Amara's POV...

3 days since that attack from Chun. I didn't even feel safe in My own apartment since she already knew my address, but I kept put and ready for when she might strike next.

Eliana was healing at least, so that was one positive thing. We hadn't left our dorm at all. I know that we can't actually hide forever but we had to think about it all before making our next move, because Chun is like a loose canyon which means she's very unpredictable. And uncertainty is something that most of us cannot deal with so the best we could do was wait it out.

We had been getting calls, some from students who were concerned about our whereabouts, others came from work, but I was the manager so that was quickly swept under the rug, I also covered for Eliana so all should be okay for now but this is just a temporary solution. I was thinking Kai would be worried too but I got nothing. Last I heard from him was on Monday when we kissed. But hey at least the last memory was one to be remembered forever.

(Knock knock)

"Who's that?" Eliana whispered, "Let me go and check." I walked up to the door and peaked through to see who it might be. I seen blonde hair through the door hole so I opened up the door to see Adrian standing with a box of chocolate and a bouquet of flowers with a note attached to it. "Where is she? I haven't heard from her in days." I opened up the door all the way so that he could enter.

He dropped the stuff he brought on the kitchen counter and scanned the room til he found her lying down with a bandage on her, and rushed to her aim. It was so cute to see how much he did care for her. I hope that I'll find a love like that one day. I closed the door and returned back to my room as I thought to give them space.

And with no hesitation, the moment my head hit the pillow it was lights out for me.

Kai's Pov...

"Glad to see you have come back to your senses cousin."

Her coming in the middle of the night was odd to me. She never does such and even though she has been in my way lately I still feel remorse for her as she's still family at the end of the day.

"I trust you, Kai." She said which left me a tad bit on edge but I brushed that feeling off, "Good." I said in return. She came in and gave me a hug. I'm not an affectionate person but for her I'll make an exception this one time. "Biǎo dì biànxīn shì zěnme huí shì?" (what's with the change of heart cousin?) She looked up at me, it's clear that she had been crying and one thing about this family, nobody likes to speak on the things that bother them, but whoever hurt her We'll be very sorry. "Wǒ yìshí dào nǐ quèshí shì zuì nián zhǎng de, wǒ yīnggāi xuéhuì xìnrèn nǐ." (i came to the realization that you're indeed the oldest and i should learn to trust you.) I could see that there was some truth to what she said but she wasn't telling the whole truth. I didn't want to press her any further so I let her go to bed.

I had other business to attend to that night. I haven't gotten Erik to speak -and thats on me for attempting to kill him too soon but I didn't have time for the silent treatment. If he wasn't going to talk I'd eventually have to let him go as there would be no use of him to me.

However I went through the files that were handed to me and found addresses of all his family members so I decided to pay a little someone a visit.

(Knock knock)

"Are you Erik van Tander's wife?" I asked the lady who had opened the door. She nodded her head, "I need to speak with you urgently." "At this time of night." She tried closing the door but I put my foot in the way, "That's not a nice way to treat the person who knows where he is." She froze, "How did you know he went missing?" I just smirked and she allowed me in.

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