Chapter 15

13 2 4

20 February 2025

Amara's POV continued...

"Eliana!" I shouted and she rushed in to see what happened, "All my pictures are gone." "What do you mean they're gone?" She said putting both her hands on her head, "They took it..." I said sliding onto the floor and bawling my eyes out. She came from beside me to try and calm me down.

She got up from beside me and checked around to see if there was something that went missing, but there was nothing. Seemingly it was only my pictures that were gone. The rest of the room wasn't in a complete disaster as you could still see everything was where they belong, but why did they only think to take the pictures.

It seems so strange even. What could the reason possibly be...

The one thing that brought me closer to papa (dad) is what they decided to steal. How come I didn't hear anything. Why did they only come and steal in here. It's almost as though there was something about those pictures that lured them in but it was just a picture I thought. What more could it be. It seemed harmless and extremely insignificant I thought to myself, but something doesn't add up.

Kai's POV...

"Oh Kai, what brings you here." She asked, "I'm here to see your owner." I shot back at her, "Still got that dirty mouth I see, there's other ways you could use it." She said biting her lip. I wasn't in the mood for Phoebe and her shit so I just pushed forward and went towards his office.

I opened the door to find my father and Chun here discussing what must be the plan. My father seemed please to see me, can't say the same for Tyrique's little bitch.

"Father." He stood up, "这是我的男孩" (there's my boy) Chun waved in my direction but I ignored her, putting all my concentration on my father. "我有个计划" (I have a plan.) I said to my father, he gestured for me to take a seat but I refused. "讲话。我们正在听。" (talk. we are listening.) He said siting back in his seat, "我知道你们相信我没有能力做这一切,但这是我计划的一部分。" (i know that you guys believe that i am incapable of doing all this but its part of my plan.)

"Nà huì shì shénme." (and what would that be) Ling shot back at me as an attempt to catch me off guard. My father gestured for her to be quiet and I continued. "显然是因为你们不听话,春铃这边,无法靠近她。这就是我进来的地方,我赢得了她的信任来引诱她。" (clearly because you guys don't follow instructions, Chun Ling over here, cannot get close to her. thats where i come in, im earning her trust to lure her in.) They took a moment to digest what I said then, "Jiěshì yīxià nǐ wèishéme yào hé tā shuìjiào." (explain why you're sleeping with her then.) Chun said and I chuckled, my father didn't seem fazed in the Slightest. "Líng wǒ biǎo dì, nǐ cóng nǎlǐ dédào nǐ de xìnxī. Wǒ yǐwéi nǐ shì yīgè gèng hǎo de jiàndié." (Ling my cousin, where are you getting your information. i thought you were a better spy.) I mocked her and she remained silent. "父亲." (Father.) He nodded his head, "她将是破坏任务的人,因为她和这个与目标有关的男孩发生了一些事情。" (she will be the one to ruin the mission as she has something going on with this boy thats connected to the target.)

She looked like she had seen a ghost. My father's face went from a neutral expression to one of anger and rage. She, Ling, averted her eyes from his gaze. I was pleased. There was silence all throughout the room til Phoebe entered, "My love, your brother is here to see you." He nodded in her direction and dismissed the rest of us.

"What was that for." Ling punched my arm, "There's a fine line you don't cross with me and you seem to have forgotten." "Wǒ hèn nǐ." (I hate you) she shot back, "Save that for your father." That stung her at first, then you could see realization hit her as she realized what damage that could potentially do as her father is not one that plays that game.

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