Chapter 5

14 3 0

2 November 2024

At the party (Kai)...
I'm so use to girls throwing themselves at me. Benefits of having money some would say but I have no interest in that, the main focus is to- "Hey hottie, wanna kiss!" I examined the blonde standing in front of me with disgust, this must have turned her on more "You know I have never been with an Asian man before" "Get out my face!" I took one sip of my drink before relocating myself to another spot. I don't have time to be fucking around with these worthless, time wasting sluts. As my eyes continued wandering around I saw her...
It still amazes me how effortlessly gorgeous she was, under these bright lights her skin radiated warmth. Her long black hair hanging all the way down to her back which moved like waves whenever the wind blew. She wore a shiny black dress, which had a slit near her left leg to show more skin, she also paired it with black strap heels. What made her stand out compared to that 之前的事情 (thing from earlier) was how you could tell that this wasn't for her. You could see it in her eyes which were honey brown and could woo anyones heart. Even when she attempted to steal my seat on Monday, I liked how she didn't show any fear. It gave me enough time to capture the essence of her beauty which made me question who was this girl and what was she doing to me... I continued admiring her till I was interrupted by yet another one 一个人无法呼吸 (a man can't breathe)

"I don't like this at all..." Eliana laughed, "Stop worrying, you look amazing!!" I took a deep breath " Yeah breathe in and out" she said and I did it again "We in this together." She offered me her hand and I took it. We walked into the place and all I could hear was loud music, people screaming and just enjoy their lives. A lot of them were already drunk, some were even passed out on the floor. Eliana paused, "Wait I gotta introduce you to my boyfriend, Adrian." She waved for him to come over and he did so in a quick motion. You could tell that he also was out of his element, guess I'm not alone. "Babe this is my new friend, Chantelle. Chantelle this is the love of my life, Adrian." We both greeted each other back. "Both of y'all needa let loose, I say we go for drinks!" As she kept suggesting more things, me and Adrian grew more nervous. "Lets go!! Yolo motherfuckers!!" She dragged us both to the bar and she started taking shots. Overtime her and Adrian were getting more lovey dovey so I went and found myself a new place to chill. They were cute and all but I don't wanna see things that can't be unseen.

I took out my phone in hopes to find entertainment and then, "We meet again." I looked up to see who it was and it was him. If I thought seeing him in class was the hottest thing ever I was mistaken. He towered over me, blocking my view of everything. He's short, jet black hair, which was flowing over his forehead, highlighted his facial structure, he wore a basic, short-sleeved black tee which outlined every muscle he had. He's eyes still showing no emotion, acompanied by a devilish smirk. "Oh, its you again." He took a seat next to me,"No excitment. My feelings are hurt princess" I looked at him confused, "Princess?" "Did I stutter?" I rolled my eyes which seemed to amuse him more. "Why you sitting here with me?" He said,"You looked lonely and who doesn't enjoy my company" he then grabbed my drink and took a sip of it. "My princess doesn't drink too" I could feel myself getting all flustered, which was weird for someone like me. I felt a little out of place as he spoke because since the incident with the seats in class he has been extremely cold towards me, I needed a reason to leave and that's when a blonde approached us. "Hey handsome." She clearly was drunk but I found this as an opportunity to leave. "Seems like you got yourself some company so I'm going to go." I got up and hurried out. "Eliana!!" I shouted out so we could leave, I could still feel his strong gaze on me, part of me didn't want to leave him with that girl (I don't know why) but I didn't want to get carried away.

I found Eliana dancing on a table screaming to a song. You could hear Adrian telling her to get her down but nothing was working. "Eliana, lets go." "Never!!" She continued dancing, and I instructed Adrian to carry her and he did so. She fought back but couldn't get out of his grip. "Put me down!" She kept on shouting all the way to the dorms. I thanked Adrian as he put her down,"Take care of her please, she's a mess.." you could see that he genuinely did care about her. "Don't worry I got you." I assured him and he left.

Next day
"My head hurts..." I laughed, "It's not funny, what did you do to me." "Just take this." I handed her painkillers and a glass of water. "What happened yesterday?" She asked taking the painkillers, "You and drinking are one wild combination." I laughed more, "Shhh you're making noise." Her hand went over her head as she squinted her eyes towards the sun "Yeah you have a hungover." "No shit Sherlock" I laughed harder. " You should call Adrian, he was worried about you yesterday." I told her and she sighed, "He's going to give me a speech." "You need it." She walked away as I carried on laughing.

Later that day
I was getting ready to go eat something that night when I received a call from a familiar number, so I answered, "Hey sweetheart..." My heart dropped immediately "Mama?" There was a long pause before she said, "I know we haven't really been in contact but I wanted to check up on you." I didn't respond "I know you probably hate me for doing what I did, but I had my reasons" I could feel my fustration rising as she kept going so I asked her "Why can't you tell me what's going on, mama?" She sighed then said "Its for the best sweetie" and that's when I lost it. I was tired of being lied to and not being told the truth. For most my life she has been lying to me and has been giving me this response for ages and I have had enough of it. "If you don't have anything important to add to this conversation, then I suggest you drop the phone." She kept on pleading with me to listen to her, then I said, "I love you mama, but if you are not ready to treat me like an adult then this conversation is over." I hung up the phone before she could add more spice to marinate her lies. I felt tears swelling up in my eyes. I was afraid that I would wake up Eliana so I quickly ran into my room and cried for what felt like an eternity.

Monday morning...
I woke up that morning feeling exhausted. I looked the way I felt. I didn't even put any effort in my look. I had tied up my braids into a bun and just wore Black tights, a black oversized hoodie and my favorite furry slippers. Eliana had left early that morning to see Aidan so it was just me. I quickly made myself some coffee on my way out to my classes. The whole time, on my way there, my mind was just fixated on how the conversation with my mom went. I have never talked to my mom that way. If people from my culture would have heard that, everyone would have disowned me because who am I to bite the hand that has fed me time and time again. It was so unusual of me but I just couldn't take the lying and dishonesty. I really needed something to take my mind off of everything and boom...

There he was, all on his own and to himself. I contemplated greeting him or not but after the conversation at the party, I thought why not, and plus I needed the distraction. I walked towards him, "Hi Kai" he paused, took a glance in my direction, then averted his attention back to his phone. Ouch... I could feel the embarrassment creeping up my face so scurried back to my seat. How does he go from calling me "𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔" to completely ignoring my exsistance. Today was really a bad day. If I could, I would dig myself a hole and stay in there. I didn't realise how hazy my mind was till I heard someone calling my name, "Zoned out again new girl" that deep, raspy voice snapped me back to a reality where the classroom was empty and there was only a man standing infront of me. "What happened?" I questioned as I rubbed my forehead and he chuckled "You probably fell asleep" "Not again." He chuckled more "Who are you?" "My names Tyrique but everyone calls me Ty." He said as I packed my books into my bag "My names Chantelle by the way." " I know, but I'll call just you new girl because it has a ring to it" A smile was plastered onto my face. "New girl ain't bad" "I know since I came up with it" I rolled my eyes, "How charming" "Lets get out of here" he took my bag, put it on his back, put my hands in his and we left.

Felt kinda strange that this guy, that I have never seen or met before, was being so welcoming but I needed the distraction. And there was something about this guy that made me want to stay longer in his presence. It was as though we knew each other in a another life, I don't know why I feel this way but I felt as though I could my put my trust in him and he wouldn't let me down. Guess that explains why I let him take the lead.

"Where are we going?" I asked a bit wary of my surroundings. "My special place."

10 November...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora