Chapter Forty Two

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After those two very eventful days, then came a day that I had been dreading. Monday

I tried all the tricks I know to avoid going to school but apparently my brothers were used to it

So here I am, getting ready for school with a grumpy look on my face. I just want to lay in bed all day, curse the motherfucker who invented school

"Gabriella get downstairs now!" Antonio yelled for the fifth time this morning

I sighed and sluggishly made my way downstairs where everyone was present, waiting for me

"You look horrible" Matteo commented and I gave him a blank look

"Go have breakfast so we can leave" Stephano said as he glanced down at his watch

"I'm not hungry, let's just go" I said lowly and made my way to the car with close to zero energy

Upon reaching the very crowded school, I sighed in exasperation. I don't know what is wrong with me today but I'm just really tired

It wasn't helping that Damon was leaning more than half his weight on my shoulder

"Get your hand off me" I grumbled and shoved him away

"So damn violent" I heard him mumble from behind me

I walked into the school to be greeted by my gang

"Girl what's up, you look not very pretty today" Lexi said as she touched the ends of my hair

"Don't be rude Lexi. You look lovely Ella" Blake said and ruffled my already messy hair

"Thanks" I said and tried to straighten my hair

"Let me help you, come" Aria said and led me to the washroom

"Don't take what Lexi said seriously, she's been like that for a while now. I asked her about it before and she said she's having some family issues" She said as she combed my hair and helped me put it in a cute messy bun

"I don't know. Maybe she's just stressed because of it" I said, now that I properly thought about it, she has been acting really weird.

She avoids the group constantly and when she does show up, she behaves really weirdly. I hope she's okay though

"There's the pretty girl I know" I heard Aria say as she turned me so I could look at the mirror

I didn't even notice that she had done my makeup. It was mild but pretty, I definitely look better than I did when I came into the school

"Damn Aria thanks. What would I do without you?" I said still admiring the myself

"Nothing that's what" she said and I rolled my eyes

We left the washroom and I immediately went for my first class. Luckily the teacher hasn't arrived or I would probably get detention

I saw Alessio in the class and when he saw me, I noticed how tense he became. What's wrong with him?

I sat down at my seat which just happens to be next to his. Just then the teacher walked in and Alessio immediately raised his hand

"Yes Me Sartori?"

"Can I please get another seat?" He asked and I frowned subtly

"Yes of course. Miss Jane please swap seats with Mr Sartori" the teacher said and a red haired girl came and sat next to me

"Hi, I'm Maria Jane" the girl said, she had this cute bubbly smile on her face and I suddenly didn't have the heart to ignore her

"Gabriella De'Luca" I said with a slight smile still unable to stop thinking about Alessio's strange behavior

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