Chapter five

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"Okay I'm gonna start from the beginning, we all found out that mom was pregnant and that too with a girl so we were all over the moon. We were finally getting a sister that we've been longing for so long

When she gave birth to you we were extremely happy, Stephano the most. We took you home but after three years of your birth...Emilia took you away from us, cutting off from us completely so we couldn't find you" Antonio narrated, I could see the pain and anger in not just his eyes but everyone's

"Why though?" I asked in confusion

"She supposedly wanted to keep you safe so she took you away" Emilio said with a cold gaze

"From what?" I probed and they stared at each other as of debating whether to tell me

"I hate it when someone lies to me. It's something I can't tolerate so if you don't want me to unleash hell on you then tell me the truth" I glared at all of them and their eyes twinkled in amusement. Motherfuckers

"A true De'Luca. Don't worry we're not going to lie to you. We just don't know how to put it" Domenico said with a soft smile

"From our business, what we do involves us having alot of enemies who are dangerous and wouldn't think twice before hurting you" Alessandro said

"So you guys are in a gang or mafia?" I noticed all of them stiffen at "mafia". So mafia it is then

"No, no, no, nothing like that sweetheart. Bambina it's a normal business okay?. People just envy us" Alessandro rushed out while not so discreetly giving a look to Antonio. Way to be obvious bro

"Yeah people can be stupid" I muttered and they chuckled

"That's one way to put it bambina" Leonardo said and ruffled my hair making me let out an exasperated sigh as I glared at him.

"Okay now that that's settled, I'd like to talk to you about some rules" Antonio said and I nodded. I wasn't going to follow them anyway so I can at least let him speak

"1: No and I mean no form of disrespect towards any of your brothers
2: Only verbal answers please bambina
3: You must inform one of your brothers if you're gonna leave the house and also tell us where you're going
4: No boys please. You can have them as friends but nothing more
5: No drinking or drugs. I can't stress that enough, especially the drugs
6: Don't disobey any of us, never, when we tell you to do something do it. Don't ask questions, except it sounds foolish and unnecessary to you
7: Your curfew on weekdays is 10 pm. While on weekends 11pm
8: Keep your grades up, maintain your previous grades
9: Absolutely no cussing
10: Don't go to the third floor it's for business only" He said and I stared at him dumbfounded

"Is that understood?" He asked and I shook my head

"There's a couple of things I want to correct in them" I said and he rose his eyebrows in question while tilting his head

"1: Respect is earned. If you don't respect me I won't respect you. It's as simple as that
2: No. I will answer you in whatever way I see fit. It's obvious you guys have brains so I'm pretty sure you'd understand if I nod my head.
3: I will inform you but no I won't tell you where I'm going. I can take care of myself I've been doing that for a long time now
4: No problem, boys are stupid anyway
5: I drink so you have to deal with it. I don't do drugs
6: As long as what you say sounds sensible
7: That's fine
8: That's fine too
9: No thank you. Cussing is my second language and you want me to believe that you guys don't swear
10: I'll respect your privacy only if you respect mine" I finished and they all gawked at me like I was crazy

"Uh...fine then as long as you're responsible" Antonio said while awkwardly scratching his head

I nodded and yawned rather loudly causing everyone to stare at me. I don't care I'm fuckin tired

"It's pretty obvious you're tired so why don't you go to bed. It's late" Antonio said and pulled me to him, kissing my head

I was passed around so all my brothers had an opportunity to hug me. On a normal basis this would piss me off but I'm too tired to care. My bed is calling me.

I was too sleepy to pay attention so I didn't know when someone hugged and whispered 'im sorry' in my ears

Third person's pov
All the boys were in Antonio's office, discussing some serious issues and everyone seemed to be on edge

"You messed up Stephano!" Emilio  yelled shocking everyone. As he was the only sibling who managed to keep his cool and was always very patient

"I know that and I'm sorry okay?!. You think it didn't hurt me to see my sorella crying, knowing that it's because of me?. Heck I know I messed up, it's not easy for me you know!" Stephano yelled back

He knew what he did was wrong and the guilt was eating him up, unknowingly tears spilled out of his eyes leaving the rest to stare at him.

Stephano never cries, sure he gets angry easily but doesn't cry. Seeing this, Emilio sighed deeply, he knew his baby brother was having a hard time.

Leonardo immediately hugged the still crying Stephano, whispering soothing words to him to make him calm down

"It's not your fault, everyone knows it hit you the hardest when she was taken so we understand. No one is blaming you, even Gabriella's not blaming you. Don't cry" Leonardo said, wiping his brother's tears only for more to come pouring down

Emilio sighed yet again and slowly walked to his baby brother. He knew he was too harsh but he just never liked seeing his bambina like that

"I'm sorry Stephano, I was too harsh. It wasn't your fault. I just didn't like the tears I saw in our bambina's eyes. Don't cry bud I'm sorry" He said and hugged his brother tightly, letting him cry all he wanted

"I'm sorry" he whispered as he felt extremely guilty for making his brother cry

"No I'm sorry. I made a mistake and all I can hope is that my bambina forgives me" He said and all his older brothers nodded in approvement

"Okay back to the issue at hand, what so we do about Gabriella?. She seems smart, she'll figure it out" Alessandro said, failing to hide his worry

"Non possiamo più nas conder glielo" Antonio said ( we can't hide it any longer from her)

"Mi chiedo come reagirà" Domenico said with a sigh (I wonder how she'll react)

"We wouldn't be facing this mess if only Emilia let her be with us. This is all her fault" Xander said, anger blazing in his grey orbs

"Calm down. We have her now don't we?. There's no need to think about it anymore" Alessandro said

"We'll tell her everything tomorrow, see how she takes it. If she's okay then she'll begin training immediately" Antonio said with finality making his brothers heads snap in his direction

"What the fuck she's too young. A girl infact, I don't want my bambina getting hurt" Xander yelled and Antonio gave him a stern look for swearing

"Exactly why we should train her. She needs to be able to protect herself in case anything happens. The Russians have their eyes on her so she needs to be ready for anything" He explained and they slowly nodded in understanding

Heya so I just wanted to say, I don't know italian. I got the translations from google so if it's not correct then I'm sorry. Also all pics used in this book aren't mine, I got them from pinterest. Goodbye ❤️

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