Chapter thirteen

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Ricardo's Pov (Grandfather)
At the moment it felt like I'm immobilized, I could only sit there as everything unfolded before my eyes

It hurt to see my piccolo like that. I wonder what the hell is wrong with Antonio. She is his baby sister and I know he loves her alot so why did he do that?. I am absolutely furious at him

"What is wrong with you Antonio?!. Do you know how much you've hurt her with your stupidity!. She is your goddamn sister!" I yelled at him, my piccolo is the dearest to me and to see tears in her beautiful eyes because of her brother made me mad. I will unleash hell on him if he doesn't stop this soon

"I'm sorry Grandfather but she'll never learn" he just stared and left, just like that!. Is this boy mad?!

Alessandro's pov
Although I am extremely upset with Antonio, I can't let him fall from grace. I have to do something and the find out what exactly is wrong with him

Family is the most important thing for all of us and if the family starts turning on him then it would affect him greatly.

He couldn't be weak, that can never happen because he's the Don, he can't afford to have any weak moments

"Xander, Xavier, Stephano and Matteo. I know you all are upset with him but please I need you to calm down. Control your emotions. Something's wrong with Antonio, I know him too well to know that he'd never hurt our bambina

Please avoid pissing him off for now. When he comes back, don't argue, don't fight. Just hold on till I find out what's wrong. I can't let this turn out badly...please" I pleaded with them

I saw Matteo and Xavier going soft but as expected, Stephano and Xander still held their ground and I sighed

"Guys he's right, we all know that Antonio isn't like this. He would never hurt our sorella, let's give him a chance but God so help me if he did this purposely" Matteo said firmly and I took my time to gawk at him. Is this my brother who only cared about eating?

"Fine but if he does it again then you'll have yourself to blame for what happens next" the hot heads said in unison while staring at me which was kinda creepy

"Hmm but for now, Xander you're grounded for hitting your brother. I understand that you were angry but you never raise a hand to family" I said and Xander glared at me harshly

"I don't fuckin care. If he lays a hand on her ever again then I will do much worse!" He growled at me

"And what exactly are you grounding him for?. For sticking up for his sorella when you older ones sat there while he manhandled her?!. Leave the kid alone, he did nothing wrong." Grandfather yelled at me and I bowed my head

He's right, we didn't do anything to stop him from hurting our bambina. We just sat there, like a bunch of useless garbage. Guilt started clawing at my heart as I tried to contain myself

"Okay. Why don't you go cheer your sister up. She might have locked the door given how upset she was. So here are the spare keys to her room. She'll also have to go to training now" I said halfheartedly while tossing the key to Stephano

"But her hands are hurt. She'll hurt herself more if she pushes it" Xavier said worriedly. I knew he was right but we can't push Antonio right now

"I know...Leo will go with you to treat her hands. I need to go to my office now" I said and was about to leave when Bruno spoke

"Can we go with them? I want to see her" he said softly, his eyes pleading me to agree and I sighed before nodding

Gabriella's pov
I'm a total idiot, how could I trust him so easily. They are all the same, nobody cares and always want me to do what they want. They are all such liars

Luke may have been a psychopath but he was right about one thing, no one loves nor cares for me. I was a fool to think that someone could actually love me. It was all just a facade to make me trust them and come with them. I'm never gonna trust him again

I heard my door click open and my eyes widened, didn't I lock it?. Ah...of course they have a spare key. Stupid me

I saw Xander, Xavier, Stephano, Matteo, the other set of twins and Bruno. This is gonna be fun and dramatic. Leo walked in right after them with a first aid kit. He came near me and I took the kit from him

"Thanks" I mumbled and started treating my wound but he stopped me

"Let me help you" he said and I shook my head

"No, I can do it myself. It's my wound so I'll tend to it myself but thank you" I said bluntly. When I finally managed to wrap my hands, I gave him back the kit

"Don't be mad bambina, Alessandro suspects that something's wrong with him and that's what we think too since Antonio would never hurt you" Leo said and I scoffed loudly before chuckling

"You don't have to justify his actions. It's okay, I don't give a shit about him and his behavior" I said plainly

"Guys Ales texted me to bring her to the base" Diego said and I creased my brows in "confusion"

"The American mafia base bambina. Tony wants you to start training today" Xavier said and I looked at my hands for a while and then nodded

Stephano's Pov
I'm worried about my sorella, she has that blank look on her face and it scares me. I know she's masking and bottling all her emotions up

When we got to the base, i helped her out of the car and saw how she gawked at it in amazement, making me chuckle

"Let's go in" I said and pulled her towards the base's training center, she received alot of curious glances and she glared at them making them look away

'Typical bambina' I mused in amusement

While we walked, I saw Antonio and Alessandro sitting on their throne like chairs while the newbies all stood in their places

"Alright, if you know you wanna specialize in knife throwing then please come towards me" I said and three guys who seemed to be a year or two older than my sorella came towards me

"Are you sure you're okay with this bambina?" I asked, not knowing how she would feel about being the only girl trainee in my team

"It's okay, I like boys more than girls anyway" she said and the guys laughed softly

"Names and ages" I ordered coldly

"Landon, I'm seventeen" the guy with blonde hair said with a small smile

"I'm Noah, I'm seventeen" the guy with caramel brown hair said

"Ethan, I'm sixteen" the guy with black hair said

"Good, bambina your turn" I said softly as I turned towards her

"Gabriella, I'm fifteen" she said and I could see the shock in the boys eyes, probably because she's so young

"We'll start with the basis. You have to pick a steady and firm throwing knife" I said and showed them a row of different kind of throwing knife collection

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