Chapter four

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"Say one more shit about my mother and I swear I'll kill you. You don't know anything about her so just shut the fuck up, she was everything for only support

Where were you when she struggled for me?. Where were you when she would go days without eating just to make sure I had my fill?. You were not there so you have no right to judge her. I don't give a flying fuck if you don't like her but don't talk about her that way. She was more than you could ever be

You don't want me here I get that but do you really think I want to stay with some strangers just because they say they're family?!. Family is more than just blood!" I yelled at him, throwing another punch his way before someone pulled me back

"Bambina...please don't cry, we're sorry. I don't know about him but I'm sorry for my rude behavior I-I didn't mean to hurt you. I thought it would be best to just stay away from you but fuck that, you're my baby sister and I love you" Xander rushed out as he held me wiping my tears.

It was only then I realized that I was crying. The pain just kicked in, my only support was taken away from me. I'll never see her again and here a stupid bastard was speaking ill of her. If I had my way I would kill him

Another pair of arms wrapped around us and I turned quickly to see Antonio. I don't like hugs but this was comforting

"He's right bambina...we all incredibly missed you. Don't take what he said to heart. You are family and nothing can ever change that" Antonio said

"Why are you being nice. When I cussed at you on the phone and yelled at you?" I asked and he let out a small laugh. Honestly what amuses them in my suffering?

"It's okay...I get it. Great first impression" he said with a smirk

"Sorry" I mumbled under my breath

"It's okay I wasn't mad at all" he assured and I asked the question that was in my mind for a while now

"Why did mom take me away?. Don't you dare lie to me, I'll know. I hate it and if I find out I won't forgive you" I warned and he sighed

"Fine go take a shower and we can talk. Leo, take her to her room. We decorated it today hope you like it" he said and kissed my head in affection and I cringed. This is all too new to me

"Come on bambina" Leo said and led me through the halls

"The rooms are arranged according to our ages. So it means yours is the last one...there" He said and pointed to the last door that had a golden name plate and we went in

"Holy fuck!" I exclaimed. It was as big as my old house and might I add beautiful

 It was as big as my old house and might I add beautiful

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"You don't like it?. If you don't we can always change it" Leonardo said hurriedly

"It's amazing thank you" I said with a far off look

"I'm really sorry you missed all this while you were growing up but's here and it's all yours. We would give you anything, it's your call" he said with a smile and I nodded

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