Chapter 70

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"Wolf, their flight doesn't even land for another ten minutes. Stop rushing." Ghost grumbles behind me.

"Ghost, it has been months! Also, I'm freezing, so I'm also trying to keep warm, the sooner we get inside the sooner I can start warming up."

I can feel Ghosts eyeroll loud and clear and I smile at his irritation. "You'd think you'd have gotten used to Englands weather by now."

"Ghost, we spent months away after I spent weeks acclimatising. It's going to take a while." I pull Ghosts hoody tighter around me having stolen one of his while the rest of mine were in the wash. He'd grumbled the entire morning that I needed to stop stealing his clothes, and grumbled harder when I gave him a shit-eating grin that told him that I wasn't going to stop stealing his hoodies any time soon.

We finally manage to make it inside the airport and I can feel the warmth steal over me slowly. The tension I'd been holding in my shoulders as I hunched over to keep as much body heat contained within the hoody relaxed and I began to straighten up. The masks Ghost and I were wearing drew the attention of the crowds of people milling through the airport. Considering it was late evening I was surprised that the airport was as busy as it was. 

We made our way over to the international baggage claim, and found the carousel we were looking for, only for me to hear my name being called by a familiar voice, earlier than expected. My ears twitched under the hoody as I spun around, my keen eyes lighting upon the figure who had called out to me through the crowds. I run, parting the crowds like Moses parting the see as people noticed my small form hurtling forwards.

Shane dropped his bags, arms opening wide to catch me as I jumped the last couple of meters. I could feel him locking his legs into place and his core tightening as he caught me, wrapping me up tight with his long arms. 

"Hey sis! Long time no see." 

"Little brother! I see the 141 managed to get their grubby hands on you too!"

"I take offence to that, Wolf." Price grumbled good naturedly from behind Shane.

"Truth be told, I think Bryce is kinda convinced too." Shane whispered conspiratorially to me keeping his voice low. Price looked at Shane suspiciously, but kept his thoughts to himself.

"Oi, Lad. Don't you think yer've been hogging the Lass fer long enough?" Soaps mock irritated accent sent me smiling as Shane dropped me to the floor and I wrapped my arms around Soaps neck, leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, Bubbles," I grin wickedly up at him, giving him a new nickname I'd been thinking on for sometime.

"Bubbles?" Ghosts reassuring accent behind me mumbled under his breath. "Why didn't I ever think of that?"

"Bubbles?" Soaps eyes went wide and the sound that came out of him was the closest thing I'd ever heard him make to a squeak. He was trying to decide whether it was amusing or the worst thing ever and decided on amusing as he choked out a laugh. "Better than lover boy, I suppose." He leans down to kiss my masked cheek with a soft whisper that only I heard. And probably Shane. "Missed you Mo Uilebheist." 

"Missed you too," I hummed back. Speaking a bit louder, "We have a lot to catch you up on. We've been busy the last couple of months." I slide my hand down Soaps arm, twining my fingers through his.

"Sorry guys for holding you up. My bag was literally the last one out of the plane, I swear." 

"Gaz! I hear you've managed to catch this mutt as your new partner in crime. What on earth possessed you to agree to that?"

Gaz grinned and came up slinging his arm around my shoulder leaning down to be closer to stage whisper. "Well, you see you were just a charming little thing. I figured what could it hurt to see if your brother would be just as good to work with."

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