Chapter 13

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Spray paint in hand as we depart out the door ready for the person I can smell hiding behind the corner of the building. I glance at Ghost, point to my nose and then the corner, holding up two fingers. Ghost nods, eyes focused trusting my nose. We creep up silently, swiftly turning the corner. Ghost splats one with the green paint from his gun, I get the hybrid that's behind the soldier, moving swiftly spraying the hybrid across the throat to indicate a slice of claws. They both look shocked that we'd caught them out so easily, and the hybrid looks at me with a scowl.

"Damnit Ceri, no wonder I couldn't smell you. Normally you smell of clove and cinnamon and hot chocolate in the winter. Fuck, all the other hybrids are going to lose their shit." She grins. "I'll be sure to be keeping track of you from the roofs now that I know what I'm scenting." She punched the soldier she'd partnered up with to try and ambush us. "Sorry Kirk, if it makes you feel any better, none of the other paired up soldiers will fare any better than we did."

"Stay out of site, Anita, if you give us away, I'll be pissed off." 

"No need to worry bout me, Ceri. I'm staying at a good distance away from you." Kirk grumbles something about watching from the security cameras with the doctor inside and departs quickly.

Ghost and I quickly melt into the shadows, him letting me lead us to the designated spot. As we make our way through the darkened streets, the moon slowly rises, shedding light and casting shadows. As we make it into the shadows of a couple buildings over, my ears twitch, hearing a sound. I pause, Ghost stopping behind me, gun at the ready. I slip the spray paint into my webbing and drop to all fours as close to the floor and wall as I can moving slowly towards the sound. As I get to the edge of the building, I can sense a shift in the wind and three distinct scents hit my nose. I drop to the ground completely and shift just enough to see how far down the three are, only to find them staggered across the street across a fifty foot length. I shuffled back quickly. I indicated to Ghost that there was three along the road and that he needed to shoot them. I stepped back, giving Ghost clearance to step in and shoot the three soldiers. He nailed the first one before the other two took shots at Ghost. I stepped back around the corner, aiming with only the gun, missing the second soldier by a mile due to the awkward positioning. I pulled out my spray paint can, dragged Ghost back by his vest only for him to go shooting me a look that seemed awfully like 'what the fuck' as I raced out from under cover to the other side of the street. The cover of the building shielded me before they could turn to fire on me. I disappeared around the corner of the building and I could sense Ghosts irate attitude even from the other side of the building. 

I confidently ran around the block, and peered up the street, seeing the backs of the two soldiers who were cautiously approaching both sides of the building, expecting Ghost and I to attack from each side. I silently prowled up behind the one on Ghosts side, waiting for them to simultaneously reach the edge of the walls before I reached around the soldier claws on his throat as I whisper softly into his ear. "Dead, now place nice and don't move." The other soldier hadn't noticed yet, his attention too focused on the wall he thought I was hiding behind. The other dead soldier stood against a wall, arms crossed watching the situation play out silently. I waved my hand softly around the corner to let Ghost know it was me and to not shoot. I push the 'dead' soldier in front of me as we move around the corner. Ghost looks at me man-handling the soldier and I can tell that even though he was irritated with my shenanigans, he was also impressed I'd made it back. "You can go ahead and shoot the sucker now, Ghost. His attention is on that wall." Ghosts eyes widen momentarily and instinct guides me to duck. I fall flat to the ground, the paint bullet intended for me splatting the soldier I'd been guiding instead. At least that saved me having to spray paint him. Ghost quickly returned fire, easily nailing him this time. I stood up, brushed myself off and nodded respectfully to the 'slain' soldiers. 

War DogOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora