Chapter 24

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The door snicked shut. Ghost regained his balance after being shoved and I could feel the anger radiating from him, his face a cool mask as if he still wore his signature skull mask. If I hadn't been able to scent the simmer rage radiating through him, I'd have said that he was indifferent to the situation that we found ourselves in. His eyes were thr only clue that he had any emotion simmering through them. Chips of darkness, the only warning to anyone who decided to mess with Ghost while he was in this mood. 

He stepped closer to me, the quiet solitude of the office allowing him to inspect me closely. "Pup, are you ok? That bastard threw you pretty hard." He knelt down in front of me, his hands running along my body checking over my ribs and listening to my breathing. "Fuck, this whole situation is such a shitshow." He mumbled under his breath. I pressed my face against his neck to try and reassure him without speaking and possibly giving away just how human I really was. I gave a slight whine instead.

"I know, I know. You can handle it," he rolled his eyes as he spoke, his tone layered with a hint of sarcasm.

I give a slight whuff in agreement, his hands stilling across my body as he is satisfied that nothing permanent has been done from the handling that König had given me in our act outside.  "Now we wait. I suspect we will most likely be last, the stars of this little auction. Everyone will be waiting to get their hands on you, little wolf."

I settle down on the floor, head resting on my clawed hands and close my eyes to wait patiently. The quiet solitude of the office helping protect my ears. The holding room with all of the other captives had assaulted my senses. I took what relief I could in the sterile room, I knew it would be all too soon before that quiet and solitude would be punctured. 

The door opened with a snick some hours later and a well dressed man stood in the door way eyeing us off. König stood behind him, ready to intervene should Ghost and I decide to cause problems. 

"Get up," König demanded. "Let's go Kleine Wölfin, Ghost." I growl at König without moving a muscle, refusing to acknowledge him or his demands. Ghost on the other hand stands up. "Wolf, let's go." He murmers gently. I get up and stand next to him, ready and waiting, the low threatening growl still slipping between my teeth as I stare the two men in the doorway down. 

"She has quiet the temper, doesn't she?" The well dressed man said, his thick foreign accent twisting his words. 

"You have no idea," König muttered back, glaring at me, his blue eyes like ice chips peeking out from his sniper hood. "She has been a pain in my ass the whole trip here. Good luck to whoever buys the hündin. He hasn't been much better. Between the two of them, they injured three of my crew during their capture."

The well dressed man's eyes gleamed with greed. I could smell it wafting from him. There were a lot of people who would pay money to try and break people like us, make us work for them.

"Wolf," Ghost said, and began walking. I walked along beside him obediently, but growling at any one who decided to step too close to either of us, my hackles raising in warning as we were led along back to the big open warehouse space. The lights on the stage show area were bright, lighting up the wares being sold clearly so everyone could clearly see. The space where the audience sat though was poorly lit, almost dark to hide the audience and provide a sense of anonymity to everyone who had come along to tonight's viewing. My scent of smell told me however that tonight's auction had been a popular one. The scents and smells that were drifting through the room mingled into one big cloud that left me sneezing. Let me tell you, it's hard trying to be intimidating while sneezing g my ass off like a wolf with hayfever, but ai gave it my best shot. Ghost filled with concern as I sneezed for the fifth time. "Fuckin' 'ell," he whispered so lowly. "Don't tell me you have allergies?" All I could do was to glare balefully at him, the mix of perfumes and colognes that all smelled rich and fragrant tickling and irritating my nose. I huffed at him and then promptly sneezed again. I could hear soft chuckles of laughter from the audience as we took our position center stage, my leash still held in Ghosts bound hands. I sat right next to Ghost, eyes trying to peer out into the crowd of people past the glare of the lights illuminating us. I could make out distinct shapes in the darkness, but not much more than that. 

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