Chapter 16

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I stood shell shocked in the door way. "Ceri!" They beamed at me, and began to move towards me. They looked behind me and paused, Ghosts looming figure making them think twice about getting closer. I stared at the two people I hadn't spoken to in a year and a half, and wondered why the hell they had shown up  now. Scratch that, who the hell let them on the base. 

"Yeah, sorry sis, I knew it was a bad idea, but they'd caught wind that I was coming to say goodbye and shoe-horned their way in." I started at the voice and turned to the person I'd missed in my shock. "Bryce!" I strode over to my youngest brother and pulled him into a tight hug, lifting him off the floor. 

"Ceri," he returned warmly, laughing as I picked him up. "Damn sis, you weren't kidding about the strength huh? I think the last time you picked me up like that I was eight, when you were still taller than me." His pleasure was palpable as he hugged me back tightly. "The pictures really don't do you justice, you know. The scientists fucked up my perfectly pretty sister," he teased, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. His hands reached up to play with my ears, and I melted in against his gentle hands as he ran his thumbs over the sensitive insides. Sighing softly I closed my eyes, tail wagging when the smell of sadness washed over me, soft little hiccuping sobs interrupted the momentary peace. Right. Parents. Still here. What the fuck?

I turned, face steeled. I saw Ghost out of the corner of my eye go to move to intervene. I motioned him back, letting him know I had this. 

"Parents. You'd think after the last conversation we'd had, I wouldn't be seeing either of you any more. You made it incredibly clear that this," I gestured at myself, "would never step foot in your house again. I believe the words you said were, "You're a fucking monster, a disgrace to our family. You are not our daughter." And don't try to deny it, I remember the words pretty fucking starkly, and I'll know if you're lying about anything. So, why don't we save ourselves the trouble, and you get the fuck out of here. I have a murder to plan. Whoever was on guard duty should never have let the pair of you in."

Silence met my words. Shane and Bryce just looked at me approvingly. I could feel Ghosts wrath firing up behind me as he let the words I'd just uttered sink in. Lieutenant Wagner on the other hand, I felt his guilt creep up his spine like a cold dread. I turned slowly to him. "Lieutenant Wagner. Do you have something to share with the class?" My cold unforgiving eyes bore into him as he shifted in his seat, unease oozing from his every move. 

"I- uhhh, I was the one to approve their presence on the base. I thought it must have been a mistake that they were black listed, especially because they showed up with Bryce." He twitched nervously as I stalked closer, a soft growl slipping from my mouth. 

"Get them out of here." I growl softly, the warning clear. If he didn't clean up this mess, he wouldn't like how I dealt with it. Straightening up, I went to leave the room but Ghosts fingers brushed my arm, his cold demeanour shining through. His eyes like chips of darkness carved from the very night sky. I could feel the sheer anger vibrating through him. His eyes focused on my parents who still hadn't uttered a word since their first greeting as I came through the door. They took a step back, his malice evident even with the mask covering everything except his eyes. It was the first time I'd truly seen him stand at his full height, bathed in the attitude of his profession. 

He stepped towards them. He stalked just like I'd stalked towards Wagner. He was the hunter, they were his prey. He towered over them making them cower. "Don't ever attempt to contact Ceri again." His words were crisp. Clean. Cold. No growl to his words, just pure and utter contempt and disgust. Without the growl I'd come to associate with Ghost, the malice shined true in his voice, even making me shiver hearing it. 

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