Chapter 49

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Sharon sits me down on the toilet seat and goes into the cabinet to grab something. I watch her grab out a brown bottle and cotton balls. "This will sting," she says. I don't respond and just keep my gaze strait. She starts to dab it on my forehead where my skin has been sliced open, due to the fall.

"Does this hurt?" She asks. I can tell that she's confused that the pain doesn't faze me. "No," I tell her. I can see the worry in her eyes. "Do you remember my name?" She asks. "Shanon," I reply. I keep my gaze forward, and my posture up right. "Mace, how come you can't remember?" She asks. "I don't want to talk about it," I tell her.

I can't talk about it, I remember being strapped down and electricity running through my brain. I remember screaming for help, but nothing would happen. "I'm sorry," she sighs. Once she's done cleaning up the blood and disinfecting the wound, she grabs some bandages and patches it up.

Head bleeds always look bad, but are never as bad as they seem. Once more she grabs the cotton balls and rubbing alcohol and dabs my split lip. "Ok, your all done," she smiles. I stand up and follow her out of the bathroom and into the living room once more. Once I get down, I can hear everyone talking about the whole situation.

"So your saying that she's the one who assassinated Gray?" I hear the older man ask in confusion. "He betrayed your country and mine," I tell them, refuting to Iran. "He was a spy, he stole money from the U.S., Iran, Russia, and the Chinese. He was a bad man and he was going to kill the president. So I killed him first and took back the money that he stole," I explain.

"So you really did kill him," the man says in disbelief. "How many others?" He asks. "Non of your business," I snap. "Mace," the general shoots me a warning look. So I step down from my defensive state. "I just don't understand why you would kill," he adds. "I didn't have a choice," I tell him, remembering the beatings and torture that I went through. I had to be the perfect soldier. If I wasn't there would be consequences to my actions.

"You always have a choice Mace," he says, now standing up and walking towards me. "If you would have fought harder-" "Don't you fucking dare tell me to work harder! You have no clue what that motherfucker put me though!" I exclaim. "Then help us to understand!" The man yells back. Suddenly, the phone in my back pocket rings and my blood runs cold.

I grab it and answer it. "Hello," I answer in Persian. "Is he dead?" General Hassan asks. "No, sir. He got away," I say with remorse. I can hear banging on a table and a cuss fly out of Hassan's mouth, making me jump. "You are supposed to be the best! How can I trust you if you can't even kill a sloppy general?! You failed me! And you know what that means?" His voice is cold and stern. "You will learn you lesson, but I realize that this is on me. You clearly were not ready," he says.

"Sir," I try to reason. My voice comes out shaken and fearful. "Is that fear I sense in your voice?" He asks. "No, sir," I respond, trying to compel myself. "Don't you fucking lie to me Khor! I made you! I know you! When you get back, we're restarting the program. I will make you better. Do you understand?" He asks, fuming with anger. "Yes sir." "Good, someone will be at this point to pick you up in two hours. Be there," he says and then hangs up.

I close the phone and sigh. I step back and am overcome by fear and obligation. "Mace, who was that?" The general asks. All I can do is shake my head. "Mace, who was on the phone?" He asks once more. "General Hassan," I respond with a shaky voice. Once more, a tear rolls down my eyes. I don't want to go back, but my body won't let me stay here.

"What did he want?" Jackson asks. "He wants me back. I have, I have to go," I tell him. "No you don't," Sharon says. "If I don't he'll kill all of you," I tell her. "If we know where he is, then we can stop him," Jackson says. "I can't do that," I tell them. They all look at me confused. "Why not?" The blue eyes girl asks. "It would go agains my programming," I tell them.

"If I go against what he says," I start but am soon cut off. "Mace, we won't let him hurt you. This is all my fault. I got you into this mess and now I will get you out of it," the general smiles. "He's in Iran. It's a building made completely out of concrete and metal. It's impenetrable, even an atom bomb wouldn't effect it," I tell them.

"The chair have a meeting three days. It's held there. If we can get there and take Hassan and the rest of the chairmen down, then we can go back to the way things where. But if we're going to do this, then you need a team of the best. I can get you guys inside," I tell them. How would you do that?" Jackson asks.

"I'll go with them tonight. Be there in three days, I will give you my tracker. Once you arrive I will let you in. Once we're in though, all hell will break loose," I explain. "But you'll have to go back. What if you forget again?" Addison asks. "I still don't know you. I know your name and those three. Besides, he needs me for the meeting," I inform them.

"The doors will open at 8 pm. That way we can escape into the dark if needed. If you really care for me, then you'll do this," I tell the general. I walk over and grab my mask once more. I slip it on and right away the voice distortion turns on. "Grab your best men and be there not a second less. I hope to see you guess again," I say before leaving.

Once I'm back at the rendezvous point, I hop into the black SUV and drive off and make my way back to Iran. If they are a second late, then this plan will fail and they will die. Not only that, but I will forever be gone. Although, I'm not completely gone yet. They gave me something to hold onto. I don't know how long I will be able to hold on, but I will do everything in my power to not have them take it away.

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