Chapter 5

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  As I entire the pub there's a bunch of men. The bar is a little wooden shake. There's an old wooden bar  with red seats. There are engravings in the wood. I go a take a seat at the bar, and as I'm waiting I trace over some of the names with my finger. Feeling the texture of the wood and the indentations. 

  "What can I gettcha lill' lady?" He asks. He's about 5'10 and probably in his mid thirty's. "Benchmark, full proof," I order. The bartender leaves and I can sense a man take a seat next to me. "Don't you think you should leave the drinking to the men sweetheart?" I look over and see and older man. He smells of alcohol and urine. He's in his late fifty's, grey hair, about 250 lb, and brown eyes. 

  I ignore him and wait for my drink. "You know, it's not nice to ignore people," He slurs. Again I don't pay attention, I don't feel like getting into this. He goes to put his hand on my leg. I grab it and twist it. He falls off the chair and try's to fight back. "I wouldn't," I say in a low menacing voice. I let go of his hand and push him to the side. The bartender hands me my drink, which I take and drink in one go.

  I slam the glass on the bar and leave. As I go outside I see the same old man and this time he has two other men. Probably in they're mid forty's, both six feet, and around 300 lb. "Hey there sweet heart. Your going to pay for what you did," He say still slurring his words. The two men on each side of him run at me. I use their momentum and flip the one on the ground. I take a quick jab to his face knocking him out. 

  The other one swings a base ball bat at me. I doge it and kick him on the side of his leg, breaking it. He yells out in pain. I pull out my knife and tilt his head back. As I bring it to him I remember what my Father had said. I punch him in the face, knocking him out as well. I look over to the old man. Looking him dead in the eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean too!" He pleads. I walk up to him and throw my knife into his foot. He lets out a scream. "If I see you again I will kill you." I grab my knife from his foot and walk away to my bike and take off. 

  I don't get home till 22:27. As I entire the house, I disable the alarms and go inside. As I entire again everyone is waiting at the door. "What is it with you people?" I asked annoyed. "Mace we think that it would be best to go to John's therapy. After today, we just want you back to your self," explains Sharon. "I'm not going to his stupid thing," I growl. "Mace, I know that we don't really know each other that well but I think it could help you," John says. 

  I walk up to him, so close that I can feel his breath. "You think that getting soldiers to talk about their time will help them?" I ask in a vexed tone. "Well your wrong. Your not a soldier and your not my doctor. Meaning you don't get to tell me what I need," I say. "I'm sorry. But if you talk about it it might help with the dreams, and seeing people that aren't actually there," He says. How did he know that? "Why don't you two do a session now?" Sharon says. "That sounds like a good idea!" John exclaims. 

  John and I sit in the living room across from each other. "So tell me about your time in the army," He says. "It's not the Army, I'm apart of the Marine Corps," I tell him. "Sorry, so what was it like?" He asks again. "I don't want to talk about it," I say. "The only way to get better is by opening up. What did Jackson mean to you?" He asks. I freeze, all except for my hands which are shaking violently. "Was he your friend?" John asks again, only it sounds muffled and far away.

  I keep seeing flashes of Jackson. His bright green eyes and red hair. He always wore a smile. I see him bleeding out. I see him on the battle field, I see him pleading to me. I see him. The man that took us, the man that took Jackson away from me. Away from is family. Away from his wife. "Mace? Mace are you ok?" I look up and see John. "I'm fine. I'm going to bed." I say standing up and walking away. 

  Who else had died? I should have aborted the mission. I should have fought harder. I should have been more carful. It should have been me. 

The SurvivorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora