Chapter 43

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Back home
  Today is the big day. I'm getting married to the love of my life. Mom, Addison, and Jess are in the room, helping me with last minute touches. They end up leaving so I can have a minute. Not having Mace here, it's difficult to say the least. I look to my phone to check the time and then I look in the mirror and see a figure. I jolt up right and look at the person.

  She's in a black leather outfit and has guns and knives all over her. She has a mask covering her bottom half of her face and she has black makeup on her eyes. I turn my back towards the mirror and back up, hitting it. "Who are you?" I ask in a shaky voice. "Addison, it's me," the person says with a distorted voice. What do I do? She walks closer to me and her hand goes to her face. What do I do? I feel paralyzed, like I can't move. Then she takes off the mask and I can feel my jaw drop.

  "Oh sweet lord," I breath. It's Mace, without a second thought I run up to her and hug her. I hug her so tight, I don't want to let her go and loose her again. "You're so lucky that my make up it water proof," I laugh, with tears threatening to fall. Mace pulls away and we look each other in the eyes. I take in her blue green eyes and sink into them. Then of course I have to bombard her with questions.

  "Where the hell did you go? Why are you dressed like this? And what's up with the make up?" I ask, then hugging her again. She hugs me back and laughs. Her laugh kinda sounds sad. "I can't fully tell you," she says. "I just," she pauses. "I wanted to wish you and, uhh.." she pauses. Did she forget Johns name? "John?" I ask confused.

  "Yes John, I wanted to wish you and John the best with your marriage. And I wanted you to know that I don't hate you," she says. "We weren't the best family for you," I confess. Suddenly the door bursts open. "Addison! Are you ok? We heard noises," Jess expresses. Then they all go pail. "Mace?" Mom says out of breath.

  Mace gives them a week smile. "Mace, why are you dressed like that?" Monica asks. "You're face looks so thin," Mom adds. She doesn't look like her normal bulky self. "Why did you leave?" Monica ask. "I, I had a mission. I thought I'd stop by," she says tutting on a fake happy face. Something's wrong with her.

   "I'm sorry I left but it was just easier," she tells us. Mom walks up and cups her face. "You didn't give me a reason," Mom says. "I- uhh," she stammers. "The food there is not like it is here," she says, going back to Moms questions. She looks so different. So sad and hurt. "I wish your dad and brother where here to see you," Mom says. "Tom really misses you," Monica says. Mace's face screams confusion. Does she not remember her brother? "Mace, are you ok?" I check in. "I'm sorry, but who is Tom?" She asks. We all exchange a look of what does she mean. "What do you mean?" Jess asks confused. "He's your brother Mace," I remind her. "Are you ok?" I add.

  "Oh yeah, sorry," she laughs off. "Mace, what's your best friends name?" I ask. If she can't get this then something is definitely wrong with her. "I- uhh- Tim?" She asks confused. "Why don't you remember?" Mom asks. "It's Jackson. You and him were teammates," Jess answers. "What's going on?" Monica asks. It looks like she's deciding on something. Like when a child asks for a toy and the mother can't decide yes or no. "Let's just say that the people I work for don't want me to remember," she explains

  What does that mean? What people? "What do you mean?" I ask. Then a phone goes off and we all check to see if it's one of ours. Mace pulls out a small flip phone from her pocket and answers it. "&#*#@7, " she answers in some weird language. We all give looks to each other a look of confusion. "(@&@^$%," says then hangs up. She put's her phone in her pocket and sighs.

  "What language did you just speak in?" Jess asks. "Russian," Mace responds in a sorrow tone. "I need to go. You can't tell anyone that you say me. Not even your husband," she tells us. She grabs her mask and puts it on her face. But before she does I can see looks of sadness and longing on her face. "Why are you leaving?" Mom asks. "I have to. Don't tell anyone," she reminds us, her voice is once more distorted. She walks out onto the roof and jumps off.

  I rush over to the window and she's gone. "What was that?" Monica asks. I sigh and close the window. "That was our sister," I respond. I had her in my grasp but I lost her. Once the car comes, we all hop in and carry on with the big day as if nothing happened. We all agreed that we wouldn't say anything. We decided that since she normally deals with dangers people it would be safer. To be honest, I could not have asked for a better day.

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