Chapter 46

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  It's 7:39 pm. It's starting to get dark, which means that General Logan will be coming home soon. I'm currently waiting in the generals apartment. Waiting for the general to come home, I'm hiding in the shadows of his kitchen. I need to make this a quick kill. I look to the clock, now reading 7:41.

  Something catches my eye though. A picture in the living room, it's resting on the tv stand. I walk over to it and pick it up. It's another picture of me. How does this guy know me. This time though, it's a picture of me and him. We're both holding bears in our hand and I'm in a military outfit.

  "What the hell?" I whisper under my breath. Then I feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn around and look at the general. "Not many people can sneak up on me," I tell him in a low, distorted voice. "So it is you Mace," he says. "That's not my name," I snap. "I know it's you. You have the same crystal blue eyes," he says.

  I pull out my gun and aim it at him. Right as I'm about to shoot at him, he runs at me and quickly kicks the gun out of my hand. I go for the legs and tackle him to the ground. He throws me off of him. "Mace, why don't you remember me?" He asks. "That's not my name!" I shout. I jump to my feet and run towards him. I grab my knife and go for a slice. I end up slicing his leg open and I stab my knife into his side three times before he creates distance between us.

  "Mace, please come home. I don't want to hurt you. I won't," he adds. "I will." I dart my eyes at him and take a quick scene. The general is by the window. I'll tackle him out of the window and kill him that way. "Mace, your twenty nine years old. You have a family, you have three sisters and a brother. You love them," he says.

  I've had enough of this motherfucker. I dart at him and we both go flying through the window. As we're falling, he kicks me and goes off the other direction. I fall on a car with a thud, breaking it. I look over to see that it's the same from him. Everyone is now standing around us. But that doesn't matter. The ground is covered in snow and it seems to keep on snowing.

  I get up and  wipe off the blood coming from my nose. I can tell that I am gushing from my forehead from the fall. But non the less I walk it off. I walk over to the general who is already up on his feet. I grab my pistol and aim it at him. I take three shots, missing two out of the three. I can hear people screaming in the background.

  The built ended up in his shoulder. He scurry's behind a car and hides like a coward. "This isn't you," he tries to plead. I jump up on the car and I am now above him. I could easily pull the trigger right now and end it. But I can't. Instead I just freeze right then and there. Suddenly my feet go from under me and I land on my head.

  I force myself up, trying to forget about the pain. I hop off of the car and try to find out who attacked me. That's when I see a man with flaming red hair and bright green eyes. Those eyes look so familiar. I watch him rush over to the generals side, "General Logan are you ok?" He asks.

  That, that voice. I get a sharp pain in my head, making my knee's buckle. I can see that man in my memories. Pictures of him flash through my mind. He's standing next to me in the middle of a battle field. Another of the two of us sharing a beer, and him and I laughing.

  Then I'm pulled back into reality. The general is hovering over me, I sweep his legs and pull out another on of my guns. Once more I point it at the general but once more, flashes of him pop into my head. He's training me, then it goes to us talking in a field watching a sunset. It goes to him yelling at me. And then to him comforting me.

  I throw the gun to the side and look at him. I know him, I won't kill him, I can't. I back up and look around me. Most people have their phones out and are recording. I can see fear in each one of them. I look back to the general and I can see hurt and sorrow in his eyes. I look to the man next to him, holding the general's injured body. Just like the general, his eyes show hurst and sorrow, along with fear.

  "Mace, it's ok. Your home right now. Your safe." I shake my head and take a step back. "That-that's not my name," I stutter. I can feel tears start to well up in my eyes. "Yes it is. Your name is Mace Emilia Williams. Your twenty nine years old. Your birthday was eight days ago," he adds. "I need to kill you," my voice cracks.

  "No, you don't. Just tell me who's making you do this and I promise I will help you," he says with a smile. He stands up and reaches his hand out to me. "If I disobey him, he-he'll," I stutter once more. If I don't follow threw with this mission like General Hassan asked, I would get the beating of a life time. He would give me a fair worse then death.

  "I won't let that happen," he says, now walking closer towards me. Some part in me wants to trust him, but after everything. "If you really are Mace, come home." I look over to see the red haired man speaking. "You have a niece to get back home to. You have a god daughter who hasn't met you," he adds. "My family is dead," I tell him. That's what Hassan told me. Why would he lie?

  "That's not true. Your family is waiting at home for you," the general adds. I turn my attention back to him. I can now hear cop cars in the distance. "If he doesn't get me back then you'll take me in." I need to be realistic here. I'm just trying to survive. "No, I won't let them take you. I need you to trust me Mace," he adds. Once more, he sticks his hand out for me to take. It's now are never. And my gut is telling me that Hassan, is not who he says he is. "Fine."

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