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"Maddie what the fuck are you doing here?" Roman asks the brunette standing outside our door

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"Maddie what the fuck are you doing here?" Roman asks the brunette standing outside our door.

"Hello brother dearest. I was invited to come over so i'm over." Brother! What? I can tell i'm not the only one surprised because Will is equally appalled.

"She is your sister?" Will asks clearing his throat. "Yes." Roman says glancing at Will and back at Maddie.

"Wait is she the brunette your were talking about?" Roman asks glaring at Will.

"What? Nooo." Will says awkwardley dragging his no clearly lying.

Roman whispers something to Will and he nods gulping.

"I need help, the bag under is slipping." Roman snaps his head towards the sound of my best friends voice and walks outside barefoot to helps her.

I can see Alina flush red from the doorstep. I love my best friend, but whenever she blushes she turns into a red tomato.

"Come on in guys. It's freezing outside." Alexei nods and follows me through the house into the kitchen.

"This place is nice, love." He says moving his finger around gesturing at the house.

"It needs a little bit of a feminine touch, which i'm planning on." Alexei chuckles with a nod and then his eyes land on Graysen.

"Bestie, kto on?" He asks nodding towards Graysen. ( kto on- who is he?) I give my best friend an amused smile, my eyes landing on Graysen who is playing his video game.

"Khokkeist. Ya ne znayu,gey li on." (Khokkeist-Hockey player. Ya ne znayu, gey li on- I don't know if he is gay.) I say glancing back at Alexei. He smirks, looking at Greysen up and down.

"Ya uznayu." ( Ya uznay- I'll find out) He says his eyes twinkling with mischief. I throw a cranberry hitting him right in the face.

We prepare all the ingredients and separate in teams. Alexei called dibs on Graysen out loud making Graysen laugh but join him either way.

Roman hasn't left Alinas side since she got here, flirting with her the whole time and Will has been trying to make small conversation with Maddie glancing at Roman here and then, who glares at him.

Maddie is great. As soon as Alina introduced us, the conversation flew so well, as if we had been friends forever.

The front door opens and Aiden walks in on all his glory. He glances my way and makes his way upstairs.

There goes my heart again, thumping out of my chest.

"E are you okay?" she asks glancing towards the door but finding it empty.

"Why are you calling her E?" Will asks glancing at Alina and back to the pizza dough, he and Maddie are stretching.

"Well Kat's full name is Ekaterina, but the E is silent. I like calling her E. It's only my nickname so don't even think about stealing it." Will smirks at Alina and continues to stretch his pizza dough.

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