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What do you mean, there are no other rooms available?" i raise my voice frustrated at the admissions lady

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What do you mean, there are no other rooms available?" i raise my voice frustrated at the admissions lady.

"As i said miss Hart. Someone was supposed to assign you at the Figure Skating house but they messed up and assigned you at the Hockey house instead. Unfortunatley, the figure skating house is full and all you can do is stay at the hockey house until Spring Break. We will reassign you at the figure skating house when the semester ends." I groan feeling a headache coming through from this whole mess.

"That's six months. You want me to live with four hockey players for six months." She nods.

"I'm sorry, it's that or you can defer until spring." I groan hating the situation i'm in. I can't seem to catch a break this year.

"Okay" i say in a whisper.

"I'm so sorry. This is your key and all the information you need to know." I nod grabbing them from her and muttering a small Bye.

I glance at my watch and groan when i see it's almost time for practice.

I start making my way to the rink and ten minutes latter i make it right on time.

First thing i notice when i walk in is the big hockey players at the other side of the rink.

"What the fuck?" I whisper annoyed. I drop my bag and put my skating shoes on, tying them up and putting my leg warmers on. I remove my vest and make my way towards the ice.

"Kit-Kat" i turn my head at the mention of my nickname and my shoulders sag in relief at the sight of my two besties.

"Oh my god, i'm so happy to see you. This stupid bad luck is following me." i say throwing my arms around them in a hug.

"Why aren't you at the figure skating house?" I swear i want to cry so bad, but i'm not a little bitch so i sigh letting go of my friends.

"Someone messed up and i'm stuck living with four hockey players until spring semester." Alxei's mouth hangs open and Alina's eyes widen.

"Can we switch spots please. Girl i don't know why you are complaining because those guys are hot hot hot." i chuckle at Alexei glancing towards them at the ends of the rink.

"Gather up everyone." I turn my head towards our coach and we make our way in the ice.

"It's good to see everyone is back. We also have a couple of new faces, some i'm pretty sure most of you know. Starting today Alexei and Katerina will be training with team USA for the Qualifiers and Olympics in Pair skating. Alina is doing the same but in female solo skating." The other figure skaters nod at us and we nod back.

"If you noticed the hockey players, pay them no mind. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are schedules overlap so for one hour we have to share the ice, but they are almost done." i nod glancing towards the other side of the rink. My eyes move from player to player until one of them removes their helmet and i realise it's Will. He waves at me and i nod with a smile on my face.

Someone joins him and glances my way but i can't see his face because of his helmet.

"Okay Alexei, Katerina before i start training, i always have my skaters perform their last routine so i can get an idea of where they are at and what we need to improve." I look at Alex and nod.

"You want us to go first?" Alex asks pointing at both of us.

Camilla nods. I gulp looking at Alex. I'm a very confident skater but she makes me nervous. I really want her to like me.

"Is that okay? Any music preferences?" I nod and look at Alex who also nods.

"Can you play I know places from Taylor Swift please?" Alex asks and she nods.

"Alright everyone off the ice. Alexei and Katerina are about to perform." Camilla yells skating towards the hockey coach, talking to him. I take a deep breath trying to relax myself.

"I hate sharing the ice with the figure skaters

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"I hate sharing the ice with the figure skaters." I whisper to William. Will my fraternal twin brother. We look nothing alike AT ALL.

"Well remember our new roommate i was telling your about?" I nod at Will grabbing the puck i dropped

"Well that's her right there." he says nodding ahead as he waves. I turn my head to the left and see a girl nodding at him.

"Oh." i say taken back from her beauty.

There is pretty girls, there are hot girls and there are jaw dropping beautiful girls. She is all three. Her brown hair is pulled in a tight pony tail that lands at the top of the hips and i'm already imaging pulling at it.

She has the tiniest waist with the most beautiful hips i have ever seen. Perfect pouty lips, straight nose and beautiful sun kissed skin.

"Jesus Christ." i whisper turning my attention back to Will. I notice his eyes linger on the brunette next to our roommate.

"She is our roommate?" I ask in disbelief. He nods tapping my shoulder.

"Okay boys, Coach Trusova, needs us to get off the ice for a couple of minutes. She has a couple transfers and they needs to perform for her." I nod and yell at the boys to clear out.

I love my team and being Team Captain this year means a lot to me. It's my last year i get to play with my friends. After this we are all heading out to different teams.

I sit by the stands and Will, Roam and Grayson sit by me.

"Holy shit Knight, did you see the new girls? Who looks like that?" i nod at Roman as he sits down next to me.

Our new roommate skates to the middle of the rink and a guy follows her. She pricks the ice with the skates and stands in a pose.

The music starts playing and i'm captivated. The guys holds her hand and they move in perfect sync together. He moves along with her and grabs her at the waist, lifting her up and throwing her in the air. She spins four times in the air and hits a perfect landing, continuing in sync with the guy.
She does some dances moves and he grabs her again lifting her in the air spinning her and catching her. Two seconds later he has her in the hair holding her with just his palm while he spins in place. He puts her down and she skates with him until she grabs his right ankle and does a flip landing it perfectly.

I look at the guys and they are all sporting the same look of disbelief as i am.

This girl is phenomenal. Their moves are so fluent and in sync. They spin around and couple times and she lands a four-no five quad lutz like a freaking magician.

"Holy shit, did she just land a five quad?" Roman asks. I nod in disbelief.

The music ends and i'm still in disbelief. The boys start cheering and clapping. I join clapping because that was beautiful. She is a freaking machine and a force to be reconed with.

Thank you for reading my book. Don't forget to vote please!

Xoxo Arseda

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