|42|: Deal/سودا

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Three days have passed. No two days maybe. Or maybe more than that. Its not certain anymore. Hours have gone by but Safa still have no idea how long its been since she's been brought here. It could be days or weeks. But she's not sure anymore. The only light in the room is from the gap between the door and the floor. It's morning maybe. That too is uncertain. She hasn't eaten in days. Two or three bites but not a proper meal. Pasha still comes to visit her. She hasn't said a word to him. She can feel him getting edgier and angrier. But she won't provide him with the satisfaction of her vulnerability. She believes her husband will come for her.

What if he doesn't? You hid the truth about his brother's murder. Why would he want to save you?

She closed her eyes as if to shield herself off the mocking that her inner self was doing. The only person she talks to is her own conscience. It's been mocking her, taunting her. Taking advantage of her broken state. Never granting her a minutes peace. Her stomach grumbled and she clutched it hard. The pain from the beatings that she took was bearable now, but still its there. But the hunger has intensified its impact. The doorknob rattled before it was opened and came in Pasha. She looked at him through hooded eyes. She was losing her strength. If he doesn't kill her, hunger definitely will. Pasha stood right before her, but she didn't provide him with the eye contact. Crouching down, he gripped her chin his large clammy hands, exerting pressure on her lower jaw causing a low hiss to escape her lips. The bruise was getting worst.

"You should stop with your act. He's not coming for you. And even if he will, I'll kill him with my own bare hands."

He seethed at her. His awful breath falling over her face, making her distaste visible on her face. That seemed to anger him because he suddenly tightened the cuffs on her hands causing them to completey tore her skin apart. She gasped and moved, but they were cutting her skin in half. Her shoulders slouched and she dropped her head back on the wall.

"You were always mine, beautiful. Although you've been touched by him, but I'll be merciful and not punish you for that."

She looked at him, her stare blazed with anger.

"You're disgusting." She spat at him. He stepped back momentarily before standing up, wiping the spit from his face.

"Count your days. Soon you'll be my bride."

He announced as it was the best news ever causing her fear to grow ten folds. She didn't back down though. Keeping her guards up, she growled at him

"I rather die than be your bride."

He only laughed at her before finally letting her alone. He closed the door again and she tried to break the cuffs, but stopped when she felt something warm on her hands. Realizing it must be her own blood, she stopped her struggles. She's already weak. She can't afford to lose blood. She needs her strength more than ever right now. Dropping her head back on the wall, a small prayer left her lips

"Ya Allah meri madad farma."
(Ya Allah help me)

Subhan paced his room again and again. He's been thinking for a long time now. It's been a total of four days since Safa's been taken away. He has formulated a plan. All he needs is confirmation to execute it. So far, the number from which he received Pasha's video from, he sent a message to it. Asking for a deal. That was two days ago. He hasn't received any reply yet. His plan will only work if he replies. They're tracking the number, but it's been switched off ever since the message was delivered. He's growing madder as days goes by. Hamza has been very cooperative with him. He has finally come to his senses and regarded the situation with the much needed wisdom.

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