|25|: Negligence/غفلت

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The yellowish light coming from the windows broke Subhan's slumber. The thin white curtains did only so much containing the light. His eyes fluttered before he adjusted to his surroundings. Sitting up on the fluffy bed, he ran a hand through his thick hair. The pungent smell of the air freshener waft past his nostrils and he cringed at how strong it was. He never liked air fresheners. Especially with an aroma like this. Back at home, his room has that female kind of of a fragrance. Roses and citrus.

It's Safa's scent.

A smile broke out on his face after a peek at his wife's name. Last night, after he talked to her, he knew something was wrong. But she just wouldn't say it. Maybe they weren't as close as he thought they were. The thought made him sigh.

Oh how much he would give to know what goes inside her brain all the time. He has seen that anxious look in her eyes. The way her entire demeanour changed after he announced his trip to this specific city. Sure there is history here. Of her.

His phone buzzed breaking his chain of thoughts. A message notification popped up from his employee who told him that everything is ready for his visit. Getting up from the bed, he made a quick round of the bathroom. Showering, he got dressed in some crisp dark blue shirt and black pants. His aura stone cold and eyes guarded. Closing the door to his room, he hailed a cab and the engine zoomed when he was sat inside.

The dark brownish walls appeared before him as the car screeched and came to a halt. He stepped down the vehicle and took his sunglasses off. Dangling them on his chest, he made his way inside with grace. The front office cabin occupied the supervisor of this shelter. Upon hearing the sounds of footsteps, the lady's eyes shoot up and she staggered to her feet. She was a middle aged woman with hair tied in a slick bun. Her white three piece shalwar kameez was ironed to perfection.

"Welcome Sir. I wasn't aware of your arrival."

Her clipped tone presented how happy she was to see him.

"That was the whole point."

His reply came out sarcastic. The lady's eyes down casted and she smiled fake to cover up for her slip up.

"Let me show you around."

She took the lead and he followed. The pungent smell of the detergent made him scrunch his nose. It was so awful. The halls were empty. The last time he visited this place, it was bursting with energy. He remembered the women of this shelter home smiling and doing what they love here.

From embroidery to sewing to henna. They were given all the facilities. Now it looks like this shelter home has been abandoned for years. Guilt trapped his body as he felt this sudden wave of shame wash over him.

He knew his brother was a responsible man. But he could only take care of so much. He should have helped him sooner. More guilt marred his system as he realized what a waste of a brother he has been.

"Everything is kept up to date."

The woman spew some lies. Of course nothing was up to date. The tiles were clipped with dirt. The paints were washing off the walls. All in all, the building was slowly dying. They reached the main hall of the shelter home. It was kind of a living room type of something. The girls sat there talking to each other in hushed voices. Upon hearing footsteps, they all quietened down. One look at Subhan, they knew it was something serious.

He hated the look of fear that passed the eyes of these girls. They're so young. From fifteen to thirty, they all were like Mehreen and Natalia to him.

"Girls look who came to visit us."

The supervisor lady all but shouted in a sickingly sweet voice.

"Asalamoaliukm." He greeted everyone with a soft smile. Trying to ease off the tension that marked their faces.

"Is he here to evict us?"

A young girl asked. She looked nothing more than sixteen or seventeen. His eyes softened and he replied in a calm voice.

"The reason of coming here is to observe if everything is to your comfort. I know I have neglected you all very much, but it's time to make things right."

Hushed whispers grew and he was aware that it wasn't something they expected. He turned to the lady supervisor Mrs. Akram.

"Please meet me at your cabin."

He turned away from her and walked in the direction of the stairs after he passed a reassuring nod to the girls. Mrs. Akram glared hard at those innocent girls and followed his order.

He sat on the chair and waited for her. It's time she answer some questions.

"Please have a seat Mrs. Akram."

He offered when she arrived in the room.

"From what I know, this shelter has been funded each year. The money is enough to provide for everyone and anyone."

She squirmed in her place before she answered

"Yes Sir. I've been taking care of everything. The girls are provided with the best as always."

Her voice turned shaky and he knew he caught her lying.

"Why don't I see it?"

His mocking stare didn't sit well with her. He was finding out knowledge he should be unaware off.

"Everything's been...a bit...well you know."

She laughed. She freaking laughed. His anger surpassed his limits, but he made a mental to not forget his manners.

"Mrs. Akram I want you to take this job very seriously. Like real seriously. This shelter home is not a business. So don't make it as one. I hope we'll work together just fine."

"Of course, Sir."

She nodded and he stood up with a shake of his head. Covering his eyes with his sunglasses, he left the shelter home.

"It's in pretty bad situation, Altamash. I never knew I was neglecting my duties this much. The lady supervisor here seems odd. I think she's been holding of money."

He ran his hand in his messy hair. A sign that he was tired.

"That's unfortunate. But that's how people are. Ugly."

Those words made him hiss. How life has changed Altamash. He was never this pessimistic. He was the golden boy everyone wants to be friends with.

"Don't beat yourself so much. You were just getting into your character."

He heard his best friend say, breaking him our of reverie. He sighed. He knows he can't exactly take care of all things at once. It will take time.

"What is your plan about the Noorie project? It's been in pending for so long."

Altamash said.

He sighed. That is again other thing he has to look into.

"Let me deal with this one. Just make sure we have the upper hand in that project."

He said to the man to the other end.

"I don't think it'll be easy. Those feudal lords have been adamant. I'm afraid if we wait much, it will no longer stay in our hands."

His words made him worry. Of course, he wouldn't want to lose that project. His brother fought hard to secure that deal. He is aware of how many obstacles came in his brother's way to gather that land.

"Don't worry, we won't lose it."

He said to him. His voice came out determined, but deep down he was afraid too. This whole lot of expectations is difficult for him to carry. But eventually, he'll move on. Everything will fall into pieces.

If so he knows......

Asalamoaliukm everyone.
Here's another short update. I'm in the worst writer block. Not exactly writer block. It's like there's no inspiration or idea. Please let me know your thoughts in comments.
Till then, Allah Hafiz.

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