|26|: Gift/تحفہ

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"خیریت نہیں پوچھا خبر رکھتا ہے
سنا ہے وہ شخص مجھ پر نظر رکھتا ہے"

The mild chilly autumn breeze blown rustling the leaves and making a very slight whoosh sound. The strong wooden window had the greatest view of the garden that covered the entire back area of the house. All colours of flowers were there. From pink to blue. It was everything straight out of a Disney movie.

"What are you thinking so deep about?"

The old woman spoke after seeing her daughter continuously looking past the window, staring at nothing in particular.

"I was just thinking, Amma."

Narmeen's voice was far away. Like she was only here physically but not mentally. She turned around and smiled lowly at her mother. Sitting down next to her, she got hold of her hot tea cup.

"Where is Zainab?"

She asked, sipping her tea occasionally.

"She's sleeping maybe. That girl confines in her room all the time."

Narmeen shook her head at the new information. Only if her stubborn niece had agreed to marry her son, she wouldn't be so miserable right now. She wouldn't be locked up in her room, instead she would be smiling and laughing and living life like any other girl of her age.

"Have you talked to Subhan?"

She heard her mother ask. A defeated sigh escaped her lips and she put the cup of tea down on the rolling cart.


Two words. Just two words and her mother knew what her daughter is thinking.

"Are you still angry at him?"

Hearing her, Narmeen's head snap back up and the calm look from before was replaced by this fierce fire in her eyes.

"Don't I have the right to?" Her words came out bitter. Each word carved itself in like a sharp knife ready to slaughter an animal.

"Aren't you a little harsh on him?"

Not even her mother's voice could calm the raging storm that brew inside Narmeen's chest. Ready to ruin. To wrecked anything that come in between.

"Than he shouldn't have messed with his mother. He married a girl behind my back. We don't even know if she's up to our standards."

That little speech from her daughter's mouth triggered something in Ghazala Begum and she retorted back

"That's not how you think of others. You're stopping so low."

Slamming the cup, Narmeen stood up. Her eyes angry and stance so vivid. Ghazala Begum's eyes danced to her daughter's movement and she sighed. A pained laugh escaped her lips and she said ever so quietly

"You're talking just like your brother."

Narmeen took a deep breath after hearing the pained whisper that left her mother's lips. She craned her neck and muttered

"You know we're cousins. He's not my real brother."

Ghazala Begum shook her head and turned her back to her now only daughter.


One word shattered Narmeen's heart as she saw her mother refusal to see her anymore. Grabbing her bag, she bolted out the door. Her steps made a strong noise against the marble floor as she exited the house she once called her home. Stealing one glance at her mother's room, she left the premises.

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