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Subhan's head snapped as he heard the ring of his office phone. Keeping the receiver on his ear, he asked


"Mr. Waleed is here to meet you, Sir."

Telling the receptionist to send him over, he kept the phone back in its place and stood up when he saw the door opening.

"Good morning, Mr. Waleed. A pleasant surprise indeed."

A polite smiled casted on the old man's face and he took his seat along with Subhan.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Shaking his head, he assured the old man. Subhan folded his hands on the table before him and asked

"What brings you here?"

Seeing the teasing smile on the old man's face, he was confused for a second.

"I heard you got married."

He laughed and nodded his head. He was about to flash his hand, only to realize he has no ring. Quickly making a mental note to buy a ring, he faced the man.

"It kind of happened in a rush."

He said not knowing how to announce this news to him.

"Well, my wife is fond of you. We're holding a charity event and I would like to invite you and your wife. It will be a pleasure to have you both there."

Subhan nodded his head and replied

"We'll be there. Thanks for the invite."

Mr. Waleed stood up and handed him the invitation card.

"I'll be waiting for you. The event will start at eight."

Nodding his head once again, Subhan shook hands with the man and watch him leave through the door. He looked at the card. No wonder other business man will be invited too. He looked down at his watch and it was half past three. Glancing at the piles of file on his table, he muttered

"I better hurry finish this work. I have to make up to my wife."

The word almost left his lips causally. Sometimes he thinks how far he has come with his rash decision of marrying her. It was really a decision that changed his life. But now he likes that he has someone waiting for him at home. It's new and terrifying because the feelings brewing in his heart are one's that won't let him let go of her.

Never in a lifetime.

The thought itself is scary. What if she doesn't feel the same? Or more precisely, does she feel anything for him at all or is he just being delusional? The questions were endless while only one person has answers to them. He can't ask her. What if the answer isn't to his liking? What if she asks to let go of her? Can he bear to do that?

That question has an answer.

Definitely no. He can't lose her. Not now and not ever. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the questions running in his mind eating away pieces of his sanity.

Let's take one step at a time. Let's enjoy what is now. No good will come fussing about things that may or may not happen.

Yeah that's right.

Let's live in the moment.

Safa rummaged through her closet trying to find a suitable dress to wear. After skimming for a very long time, she decided on two dresses. One was pastel blue while the other was creamy pink. She couldn't decide between the two. Huffing she sat down on the bed.

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