26. Occupied

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Y/n's POV

Right now

You are sitting in Tony's private jet, looking out the big rectangular glass, at the cottony evening sky, painted in perfect shades of pink, violet and blue, slowly being cornered by the spreading dark. You hear loud giggles from across your seat, recognising Natasha laughing on something Steve said, with a champagne glass in her hand, wondering about how perfect they're for eachother.

And there's Thor and Clint sitting beside them, who look like they're sitting there because they have nothing else to do, but Thor can't wait to take a long nap at the tower, where Bruce already is, preparing the tower for you because Tony insisted.

Even after Dr. Cho said that they're ready for you, he sent Bruce to go there before hand and check for everything that's gonna be needed by you, as he has seen your injuries upclose.

Tony just left your side, when you told him you're hungry. He's talking to the airhostess in a distance, it's inaudible but you are sure he's arguing about finding something appropriate for you to eat. You divert your gaze back outside observing the faint stars who waited for the dark to show themselves.

Eleven years in service... Eleven years of acting like you're all grown up and all you need is yourself. But deep down you too, like all humans, crave affection and care, physical intimacy and acceptance... CIA was your family, ofcourse! It was your home, but it failed to give you the safe space a home should. You always had your guards up, always measuring each word before releasing it.

And suddenly you're getting all you ever wanted and more, from Tony, but you just don't know how to recieve it.

"No, I'm not compromising with anything." You hear Tony coming your way so you look at him. He has soup in one hand, and is on call with the other, "...so arrange it... Then ask them to arrange it..." He sits next to you and a hostess arranges a small table on your thighs very efficiently, ".... Yes .....yes ....Thank you, Pepper." Tony keeps the soup on the table in front of you and smiles at you.

Pepper. He was talking to Pepper. Ofcourse!

You look at Tony, with a sad smile that you never intended to show. He raises his eye brows in question and that curve between his goatee and moustache slowly recedes. "What you don't like soup?"

"No.." you absentmindedly say, then soon realise, "I mean no... I mean YES! I like soup," you swirl the spoon in the bowl of warmth, taking a spoonful out of it, you lean ahead as you bring it closer to your face, and the stitches on the side of your stomach folds.

Seeing your eyelids flutter in pain, Tony carefully takes the spoon from your hand and puts an arm around your neck to help you lean back slowly, "easy, princess," You glance at his worried face so close that his breath falls on your shoulder, which has a fabric covering it, yet his breath reached your bones, chilling each one of them. You quickly look away to your other side at the starry sky. If the ECG was still connected, it would've went off again.

You tilt your head to allow him to remove his hand without meeting his eyes.

"Now let me help you with that," Tony says picking the soup in his hands.

"You don't have to do this," It's a little awkward for you to eat from his hands and pretending it's absolutely normal, even though you have a crush on him. More than a crush at this point, on the guy who's in a relationship with his co-CEO. So, nope, not today Cupid!

"I know," He says holding up a spoonful of soup. His eyebrows raise a little when his eyes glance down to emphasize on the spoon he's been holding out, "Open up. it's not poisoned, I promise..." He jokes.

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